A Chance to make things right-

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He Lied? (Drew x Jake Story)

Chapter 1: Jake's Dream.

It was dark Jake was hugging his knees and looked up. He was expecting the dark blue lockers from his past but instead he saw the yellow ones from his high school. He then saw a boy with Magenta hair he looked upset? He was storming Towards Jake and Jake finally realized who it was

"Drew?!" Jake yelled shocked and a bit scared he closed his eyes waiting for a smack or something from his former friend but instead he walked past him and was storming towards a younger Jake

"Hey.. it's gonna be alright Jake..." The young Drew said kneeling down and holding out his hand for the little Jake.

"don't listen to what those idiots have to say man."

The little Jake's eyes smiled and laughed quietly
"Ahaha.. thanks drew.. "I miss you..." He walked closer  "I'm.. sorry?." Jake looked at his little self "I miss you Drew.. I'm sorry for everything I've done.. I ruined everything.. I did care I really did.. I just was blinded by stardom that I lost sight of that.."

The Little Jake looks at him with eyes of betrayal and hides behind little Jake  a voice appears "but you have Hailey and her club now?" Jake turned around to see Drew standing behind him slightly smiling. It made Jake angry. He looked at Drew in anger "is that all you care about?? Hailey!? SHE isn't the one who saved me from being bullied my whole life again, but you YOU, YOU still put up with me even after I lied, manipulated, blamed you for something you didn't do. You still just tried to get my attention and I just PUSHED YOU AWAY!

Little Jake and little Drew disappeared and drew slowly dissolves too. Jake just sat down on the floor with tears in his eyes.. "I'm sorry.. I'm so so sorry.."

With that Jake's alarm goes off and Jake jumps up
He sighs and checks his phone *no messages*

"Typical" with that Jake hops out of bed and gets ready for school.

Chapter 2: Drew's Sacrifice.

"I can't believe it" Drew thought angrily as he walked into the school. "how could they do this to him I should've just stayed quiet I knew Jake liked those guys more then me." "I have to fix this" he then spots the girl. The girl who ruined everything
He storms up to her

"Oh my gosh Drewybear please I'm sor-

"you are going to delete that audio."
Zoey looks at Drew in shock then smiles "and why would I do that?"
"Because if you don't I'll tell the whole school what you did and I'll make your life a living hell."

Zoey eyes widened and then she smirks and laughs "ahaha well Drew if I delete this audio then I get something from you"

"Fine whatever."

Zoey then leans closer and looks into Drew's eyes and says pretty loudly "I get to reveal that you have a crush on Jake.

Drew's eyes widened. He didn't want that secret to be revealed it would be horrifying if Jake found out he liked him especially after this situation. But it was the only way. Drew took a deep breath

"Fine. *not like Jake would care anyways* But I want to see you deleting that audio right now"

With that Zoey took her phone out and deleted the audio off of all the platforms she posted it on she then deletes it from her recording studio.

"There. Heh now say good bye to your precious reputation Drew Williams".

"Whatever." With that Drew storms off to find some more people he needed to look for.

Chapter 3: The Lie.

Drew walked the halls looking for the door he treaded but must go through he wanted to make this right and even tho he had no idea about this situation he was gonna make it seem it was his idea. Drew finally found the door and hesitated then quickly knocked on the door. A voice was heard "it's open" with that Drew walked in all heads turn to him and glares from every angle.

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