This Is The Dragon?

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Konchu, better known to the world as the villain Butterfly, waved her wings gently as she listened in on the conversation below. She was lying on one of the rafters of the warehouse the warper had brought them to. The warehouse was mostly empty, save for an old couch or two and a set of tubes set up on the other end.

The tubes were not empty but after the initial revulsion at seeing the people in them, they were easy to ignore. Especially with what had happened.

"You are kidding? No you can't be!" That was Twice. The masked man was looking at Himiko.

"That was Dragon," she confirmed looking at Mr Compress.

The magician had a pearl in his hand. Butterfly thought it was Muscular but it was obvious he was considering letting him out but hadn't decided. Now wasn't really the time.

Last night, their little group had all been woken by a scream and a crash and had seen someone with green scales and glowing eyes fighting Tomura. Actually, it wasn't so much that the scaled guy was fighting Tomura, it was more that Tomura was fighting him. And losing.

The combatants had been yelling at each other the entire time. Something about hurting him.

They'd tried to help. The green guy, the one Himiko called Dragon, had ignored them and had held them in position with contemptuous ease. It was easy to see the guy as Dragon. Except Dragon was ... She could no longer say Dragon was a myth, not when she'd seen him.

Dragon had been unhappy. He'd dominated the fight with Tomura. He'd shown absolutely no fear of the guy. Tomura could disintegrate people with a touch but Dragon had gone hand to hand with him as if there was no danger. It wasn't until he'd dealt with them that she knew why.

Dragon had some sort of quirk that meant he could move things without touching them. It was how he'd held them in place and...

She shuddered. It was one thing to kill. She'd done it herself on occasion but it was another to hold a man and kill with your quirk.

"Dragon's older!" Dabi replied to Himiko.

Butterfly looked down at the girl. Her only concession to the cold had been to put a cardigan over her uniform. Though obviously it wasn't her uniform since she didn't go to High School even if she was the right age.

"He's not," Himiko giggled. "You all think he is, but he's not," she laughed again. It caused the green scale she had threaded through a string around her neck to bounce slightly, catching the light. They all knew what that scale meant.

Butterfly wondered briefly when she learned that information. It was the kind of information she felt like she'd known forever, but it could only have been a few years. It seemed as if Dragon had always been in the underworld but he was really new.

But powerful, her mind reminded her. Very powerful if he could organise massacres and get away with it, if he dealt with the Emperor as an equal, which everything had said he did, and definitely if he could mark people for protection or favour and expect it to happen. She knew what the green scale meant and... while she wouldn't have helped Himiko, she would have at least not gotten in her way.

Except now they had seen that Dragon was some punk kid... Powerful yes, but still going to High School... What the fuck? How did you explain that?

She was trying to answer her own question when the warper returned. A black disk opened up in the middle of the floor, gaining yellow eyes but before the warper himself materialised, someone familiar walked through. It wasn't Tomura but the boy who had attacked him earlier. He looked determined. Kurogiri reformed behind him and made no move to attack him.

The Emperor's Dragon IIWhere stories live. Discover now