In Loco Parentis

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Inasa wasn't sure why he'd been asked to come to the Principal's office after their assigned classes but he was a good student and he went. He was surprised to see Koi waiting in the corridor for him.

"Ma'am," he greeted the Shiketsu teacher.

She gave him a sharp look, assessing the way he was dressed, the way he stood, everything. He knew better than to hide anything from her but he was wearing his uniform and he had his hat in place, so there should be nothing to complain about.

"Principal Nezu has asked me here in my in loco parentis capacity," Koi told him.

Inasa frowned and then the words became clear. Because so many students had been invited to UA, and because they were boarding here, the teachers were responsible for them. But that didn't tell him why she'd been asked here in that capacity. "I don't know why," he said forthrightly.

Koi examined him for another moment before she nodded. "Nezu does like his secrets," she muttered before gesturing towards the Principal's door.

Inasa knocked, and was not surprised when there was an immediate response.

He opened the door and let Koi go through first. He was taller so could see over her, into the office. UA's Principal was there, as expected and so was All Might, which was not expected.

There wasn't anyone else present.

The Principal directed them to sit and Inasa did after making sure Koi was comfortable. Nezu was behind his desk. All Might was sitting on a chair next to them but he scooted it around slightly so that he was sitting parallel to the desk. Inasa didn't know what that meant.

"What did you want, Nezu?" Koi asked, sounding waspish.

When Inasa had first enrolled in Shiketsu he'd been surprised at Koi's demeanour. She was rough and almost brutally direct. He'd learned that it was simply intelligence. Koi did not suffer fools tolerantly and she was to the point because she saw little benefit in dancing around subjects.

UA's Principal shook his head. "It's what I want," All Might said.

"So what do you want, Toshinori?" Koi shifted her question, still waspish.

The Number One Hero looked at her. "I wish to ask Inasa a-" he paused.

This was a perfect opportunity for Koi to harp but she remained silent. She was probably as surprised as he was. What could the Number One Hero have to ask him?

"Well?" Koi eventually said.

All Might closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It didn't change how uncomfortable he felt and Inasa felt himself getting nervous, just from seeing the hero like this. "Do you remember the day you came here, when young Tokoyami was present?" he asked.

Inasa frowned but nodded. "I told you I knew Izuku," he said.

"You did," All Might confirmed. "And you've since provided the details of your encounters with him," he added. "This is somewhat related to that," he said.

"You found something in the information?" Inasa asked. He didn't think there was anything to find. The interactions he'd had with Izuku were social. They were fun and that actually made them seem all the more surreal to think that he'd actually had fun with a teen who could do what Izuku had done.

The Number One Hero shook his head before he sighed. "Izuku is the son of the man I fought at Kamino," he said.

"And?" Koi asked, sounding impatient.

"That man's quirk is known as All For One," the hero told them. Inasa had no idea what the connection was. "It is approximately the opposite of my quirk, One For All," he concluded.

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