Wheels On the Bus

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I depressingly don't know how to upload a video for this chapter soooo yea......


3rd POV

''Wake up, your gonna be late.''

An alarm clock ran loudly but instead of a hand turning it off, it started to float before it was thrown and a young boy wearing no shirt sat up. 'Wait, what was my dream again?' He asked himself sitting on the side of his blue bed.

'I remember feeling trapped in rising heat and there were plastic or cardboard cutouts all around me. And my gums roots were pushing out my teeth.'

The male got up from his bed walking to a calendar on his baby blue walls as he was still in thought. 'And the voice of a thousand angels said to me, ''It's temporary''.'

He stopped and looked at the writing that said 'First Day of Hell'. 'Maybe that should be my mantra, ' The boy grabbed a red crayon drawing a heart around the sentence. 'as I step into what will inevitably be,' He put down the crayon, 'the worst years of my life.'

He walked away from the calendar and to his closet. 'Ah yes, off to a world in which girls are to only wear pink dresses and boys blue pants.'

'Well, I died my uniform and embroidered small flowers on the sleeves.' (Yes we keeping his feminine like self, honestly imagine a boy adding flowers to his sleeves and carries a cute backpack, (I'm thinking of butters 🤭) that's male crybaby ok, he is adorable, hot, and flirty in this no judgy 😤😤)

The male then saw a note picking it up and reading it,

'Morning bubs,
sorry I couldn't stay till you woke,
phone call from mother about my little devil.
Will see you on the bus though K?
Can't wait to show you what I did to my uniform.
With lots of love, Y/n ♥️'

He smiled at the note, his cheeks turning red as stepped into his closet. 'Speaking of, I should probably change into my uniform right now.'

As soon as the door closes, it opens again to reveal the boy changed into a baby blue shirt and shorts. 'Nah, that shit's itchy. It can wait.'


He was now in the bathroom closing the mirror door of the cabinet to reveal his face and hair that was Half black and blond. His blond side had light blue and pink that his best friend did a few nights before.

(Ssssssooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Imagine Jacaerys' hair length but a little longer. (If you know who I'm talking about I LOVE YOU))

'Oh yea, and in my dream, you know when the air below me was sucking my teeth out of their sockets, I noticed that my front two teeth stayed.'

He put toothpaste on his toothbrush after brushing his hair. 'And the gap between them just kept getting larger and larger.'


He was now in the kitchen finding his passed out mom on the couch, he sighed grabbing a cereal box. 'I wish my mom wasn't passed out right now and could at least drop me bye the bus stop.'

When nothing came out, he noticed a dark brown tarantula inside of it. 'Phillipe? What are you doing in there?'

The Tarantula walked to the end of the table after being shook out of the box. 'Don't scare me like that.'


Outside showed a pink bus driving on the road. Inside showed a bunch of teenagers acting like kids and the boy, Crybaby, in his seat next to his best friend Andy. ''Feel so sick.'' He muttered as Andy shook his head in disbelief.

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