Online Relation #1 Serhat From Turky

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Serhat from Turky

He is The Guy from Turkey and he is younger than me, sometimes we communicate not so click at first, because it turns out that most Turkish people are not good at English only about 60%, he always tries to attract my attention by expressing that he wants to have a serious relationship just like Simo at that time I just thought OK first, other affairs behind hahaha..

And I tried to connect with both of them as well, they were just in my phone not in real life, so I thought everything would be able to handle me easily.

In addition to the two of them there are several men who try to get acquainted through the SK application can be said in the application I found several male models, including there are those who join the application only for "SEX ORIENTED" alone trying to approach women and adore them as the most beautiful and sexy women they meet, just by exchanging photos and they can say all the things that we are The most beautiful for the women they choose, after the time goes by, they will ask us to send sexy photos which for them are normal and not taboo, it is even possible that they will make a video call to invite us to do Visex with them.

And with the ease with which they send us their sexy pictures, that's where I start filtering out if they start a Dirty Conversation I'll start blocking or kicking them out of my introductory chat homepage.

I had discussed the relationship between me and Serhat I had made a discussion with my friends, through a group chat that we created, but it didn't last long just a few months.

I began to feel uncomfortable with Serhat's request to always want to do Visex which in my opinion is very stupid to do in a communication only on the phone, like stupid things huh...

And I was already disgusted and started backing away regularly and trying to make noise to make a problem and I would easily block it and leave it.

Until finally we didn't communicate at all, Serhat disappeared from all applications and I couldn't find him.

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