Online Relation #1 William From Polandia

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William from Polandia

William, the Type which is here in after called "MONEY ORIENTED" for this 1 I have also experienced it to be a valuable experience for me.

Met a man named William he claims to be from England with an accent that convinced me very much, Will tried to speak and began to approach me, give beautiful words and always adore as if I was the luckiest woman to be love... It sounds so stupid and disgusting if I remember that time.

At first we often talked via chat, then called and Will began to promise me to come to Indonesia for vacation with me even Will said that he would prepare and bring large enough money for Will to use while in Indonesia. Which woman is not tempted when she hears a man wants to make her happy.

Will also told me that he would send some of his bags containing clothes and money that Will wanted to use while in Indonesia with the excuse of not being overloaded on the plane later and to avoid taxes when we bring excessive cash abroad.

While everything Will revealed was very reasonable, Will began to ask my residential address with the excuse of being able to find the location of lodging that he would book when he traveled to Indonesia, after some time he contacted me and began to say he would send some of his package bags first before he came to Indonesia and Will told me he would put in almost 100,000 pounds of money that the amount is almost 1.9 billion Rupiah which will be used while traveling in Indonesia.

WOW..... At that time, I really believed that he would really come to visit me with sweet words and make me happy, let alone discuss money. Then it made me very, very sure that Will sent me proof of receipt in the form of a photo receipt for me to check, and I only kept it because I thought the package bag would arrive in Indonesia a long time ago. yaaaah...

Undestandably at that time I never knew about the problem of shipping goods from abroad.

With Will sending a photo of the package shipping license to me did not make me suspicious and think badly of him, after 2 days passed suddenly someone from Customs at the Malaysian airport called me and asked for the package bag I, honestly I was very surprised and felt scared because I thought there was a problem that occurred with the shipment and on my behalf because the shipment was written To Indonesia.

A woman can be heard talking on the phone "Helloo Good Morning, can i speak with Miss .. " (The voice on the other end of the phone mentioned my name.)

Then I replied: "Yes, I am .who is this?"

"I am from airport customs Officer of malaysia. We want check your package bag from Mr. William England will send to Miss...... Indonesian. This right? The woman was heard talking...

i immediately replied "Yes its right ma'am".

At that time I just thought the woman just wanted to make sure the package bag was delivered for me.

"I want to tell you we found lot of money in that package bag and because of that you must pay the airport customs fee in amount 500usd and after you paid that, so we can process to sending this package bag to you in jakarta Indonesia" clearly heard the woman there trying to explain it to me, to convince me.

At that time I felt confused and wondered why Will didn't tell me about this, so I tried to give the answer clearly to that women.

"Oh about this ya, can you give me time to call and discuss it with my friend who sent this package bag and I will let him to contact you soon." I replied .

"Ok, we Will wait you call us back and telling the payment. Thank You," the woman replied to my statement.

The woman hung up her phone, soon maybe I tried to contact Will but the phone was not active.

He had sent a short message "Baby i will call you after I have done with my meeting" .

I thought, owh ok maybe he was busy then I let the call from the woman without me discussing with Will via the text message.

Two hours passed, finally Will contacted me and told me that Will had just finished his meeting that afternoon, then I tried to explain what my conversation with the woman was.

"Baby.. honey can you paid that first and i will give it you back after im there or when you was receive that package bag you can open that bag too and take it my money for you." Will tried to explained to me with words I think is push me a little.

I thought WOW just by me taking out 500 usd and Will give me all the money he was carrying in that bag. But my heart began to feel doubtful and the worry, how could I easily spend so much money for people I had never met face to face.

I replied in a very subtle tone to Will so that he understood what I meant.

"Baby sorry i cant help you for that because i dony had enough money for paid that, maybe you can get help first from your friends or family there for paid that all."

Then Will started talking a bit loudly because he felt I didn't want to sacrifice 500 usd to get money that exceeds that amount, because Will was worried that the money would be held up in Malaysia and that would mean Will lose the money he sent in the package bag.

Until finally there was a big fight Will said bad things as if I didn't want to fight for our meeting in Real, he began to played my emotions and pull out his sometimes loud and sometimes weakening way of speaking, until Will said to me at that time,

"If you want me come just sending for them 100 usd and i will tell them after that package arrived in Indonesia i will paid all"

All of Will's words convinced me, but I thought even more how could the 500 usd I had to pay change in an instant by only paying 100 usd first and the rest would be sent by Will upon arrival in Indonesia.

A new question in my mind, why didn't Will just tell the woman to keep sending first and Will pay after the package bag arrived in Indonesia.

I tried to contact Will again but at that time Will's number suddenly became inactive and then he sent a text message and told me as if he was busy in a meeting for his work and asked me to immediately handle what the woman wanted.

For a moment I thought and tried to share with friends where I work and he convinced me that this was one of the scams committed in online introductions and he advised me to turn off my phone temporarily so that they do not continue to contact me and immediately block contact with will.

And immediately I ended up the calls im doing that right away because I didn't want to get involved in problems that would cost me money with the hypnotis they did over the phone.

My relationship with Will has stopped since that time, and I no longer open contact with Will on any social media to find out the truth, I better close the case and avoid problems that can arise due to Will.

The lesson at that time that I took was that sometimes we can exchange opinions with people around to find and get information that maybe we still lack or lack of knowledge, if at that time I didn't try to exchange opinions with one of my friends maybe I had been exposed to hypnotis that the fraud syndicate tried to do to me at that time.

Although this communication is only limited to Online, we still have to be careful to trust them all because... Not everything in Online is real.

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