Chapter 21: Myra

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Hurrying down the hallways.
I found myself back in the Rickety old elevator going up. I glanced at the mirror in the elevator a cold thin frail woman stared back at me.
She looked 40, withered and fragile deep purple bags hung from her eyes. My head felt fuzzy my chest tight I looked down and saw the skeleton thin fingers gripping the bar in the elevator, She didn't look or feel 25 at all.
I watched as She ran her hands through her hair and gasp as it came with her hands, a lock of her hair was in her hand.
Desperately she grabbed at her hair and each time she pulled back cluster after cluster lock after lock of soft dead hair.
She was in shock , absentmindedly grabbing a small bottle of pills our of her bag. This woman was a stranger, a dying stranger.
She was shaking, the bottle making a rattling noise as she held it. Her vision blurring and her heart rate accelerating.
She tipped the bottle, pouring a handful of the little pink tablets into her palm and swallowed them whole.
Wearily I looked back at the mirror colour returned to the old woman's face and she suddenly looked young again her face lite up and her head cleared just as the elevator stopped and the doors opened.
Now back in a right state of mind I abandoned the woman in the mirror, and headed into the white marble foyer. Heading directly into the hall across from the reception desk, the small blonde woman looked up and hurriedly stood in her chair and flashed a welcoming smile in my direction
"good evening miss Gordon." She said politely, I glanced at her and nodded sharply not bothering to return her smile.
My heals echoed loudly down the hall to two grand black, I pushed the button and a intercom buzz followed.
"Who are you and What do you want?" A male voice snapped.
"Hmm well if you intend to continue to work for me I hope you didn't know I was coming." I said sweetly.
There was silence, the doors opened.
"Alexander." I snapped.
The small red headed man with freckles was at my side in seconds."Yes ma'm?"
"What have you got on Aaron Sylar?"
"Well ma'm he has made a hotel reservation for tonight at the Grand Marlin Hotel." A tall skinny man with glasses offered me a coffee and I scoffed waving it aside I headed to the glass fridge and pulled out a bottle of wine and poured a glass.
"Well it seems that Aaron had plans for this evening..." I smiled.
Alexander gulped.
"The booking is for 7:00 pm tonight" a small squeak came from behind me.
I turned a small pimple faced girl stood at the door, I peered at her.
"And you are ?" I asked
"Mary-lee Clifford miss." She said stepping forward into the room extending her hand, I stared at it astonished the red headed boy nearly fainted his face had turned purple and his eyes wide with fury.
The small girl met his deadly gaze coolly, I raised my eyebrow.
"And I should care because?" I laughed
"Don't mean to be rude miss but my mammys name is Suzana Clifford and she..."
"She was in a shipping accident. I'm , I'm very sorry." A grim frown on my lips.
"Yes,well I've been doing some research and I think you should go to the hotel."
"And why's that?"
"Because this is where he was when he was supposed to make the last delivery." She said a small smile playing on her little lips.
I stared at her for along moment and then instructed the red headed boy to get me a car.
the slick black limo arrived shortly after 6 pm,
"Where too miss?" The driver asked.
"The Grand Marlin Hotel. Be quick." With a sharp not the driver headed off.
I dazed out the window watching the flashing lights bounce around and zoom past me, I was so tired so so tired my eyes were heavy.
I tried to recall the last time I slept and couldn't, I barely noticed when the car stopped and the door opened Carter was standing there.
"When's the last time you slept?" He asked extending his hand towards me
"I don't sleep." I snapped taking his hand and getting out of the car.
"Well okay then. Ready to play our part?" He asked in a husky voice. It did something to me, something strange and I liked it.
"Yes." I said.
We walked into the elegant lobby his hand on my back.
There was a blonde woman with way to much Botox sitting behind the grand front desk, a fake smile on her face.
"Can I help you?" She asked eyeing Carter batting her eyelashes.
"Yes, I have a booking undertake the name of Sylar." He replied in his sexy voice.
"Oh why yes" She handed him a key card "32nd floor first door to your right" he nodded smiling.
He lead me over to the lifts the whole while his hand still on my back, I pushed the button to call the elevator and looked up at him.
"You can stop touching me now." I said softly.
"I know." He murmured sliding his hand across so that it was wrapped around my waist, my breath caught.
The elevator doors slid open and we stepped in.
There was a silent buzzing between us, an electrical current that caused me to start panting.
" oh what the fuck." He sighed exasperated and piled me towards him and up against the wall of the elevator, his lips came down on mine hard our hands intertwining above us. It was so good desire consumed me, and a low moan came from the back of my throat.
"Carter stop." I moaned giving him a shove.
"Your telling me to stop but your body wants more." He whispered in my neck.
There was a ding and the doors opened a robotic voice telling us it was level 32. Reluctantly he let me go, though his hand stayed in mine.
I scanned the key card on the door and it unlocked, he pushed the door open.
In the middle of the room was a massive white bed.
The electricity was back, strong.
I couldn't recall the last time I'd had sex but shit I needed it. now.
He grabbed my waist and threw me into the bed, we were both on our knees his hands sliding up from my waist removing my dress as he went.

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