Back To School

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Some words may be in hindi, this is because of Frye's culture :)
meree aabhaas = my inkling
alavida = goodbye
maan = mum
Watashi no ai = my love (Japanese)

7:00. Calamari Inkation blared out of Frye's alarm. She rolled out of bed, grumbling. After putting her uniform on, Frye tiredly walked into the kitchen. "Woke up on the wrong side of the bed, meree aabhaas?" Frye's mum questioned as her daughter was dozing off half-way into her waffles. "Eh- no.. I don't know why I'm so tired." Even thinking about Shiver all night didn't make her so tired. Maybe it was Frye's 'illness?' Whatever! It was just a bit of mould. But then again, mould is well.. mould.

"Alavida sweetie! I hope you have a good week at school." Her mum called out.
"Love you, maan! Alavida."

She smiled as she bounced across the pavement. Frye always hated school as a young inkling, but Splatsville Academy had changed her views for the better, even if she still had no friends up until a week ago. As usual, the fresh smell of the bakery wafted in her nose again. Come on Frye. Do. Not. Give. In. Fortunately, the smell faded within a few steps. "I'm here! Finally." She walked up the steps as inklings and octos picked flowers and ran across the grass. Where's Shiver? She texted me saying she would wait outside. Oh well.

There she was! "Watashi no ai! Frye! I'm so glad you are..." Frye wasn't really paying attention to what Shiver was saying as they were hugging, as it was clearly in a language the humans spoke. Hey, you do the same thing! The bell rang loudly and the two of them flinched as they were, inconveniently, right under the bell. "Shit- oh. Goodbye, Frye." They kissed her on the back of her hand. "Oh! I.. hm." Shiver ran away before she could respond, where was she going? The octoling would always run somewhere, somewhere she didn't know about.

Shiver had ran east somewhere, and Frye attempted to follow the path she saw her go. A blue door..? That's probably for the janitor. Frye accepted that she would go back to this door after school ends. The bell rang once again for break, dozens of students ran outside. "Shiver, where do you, y'know.. go after you run away?" Coral and Jade stared at the nervous octoling.
"I uh.. go to class?" They were undoubtedly hiding something at this point.
"What about the time you ran away when we were meant to be asleep?" Shiver took a few steps back, before super jumping away to a random inkling. "Eh? Who are you?!" She heard in the distance.

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