Chapter 1: Natalie

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"No, no, no I really have to leave this time. Thomas is going to be hangry already. He is no fun in a bad mood," I say, as I try to pull myself out of Penelope's friendly grasp.

"You can't ditch out on girl's night for a boy - it's an unforgiveable girl quality. Plus, Madison isn't even here yet. You know how she gets when she misses out on girl time." She argues back.

"Is it technically skipping out on girl's night if we have girl's night almost every night?" I smirk. Madison, Penelope, and I have been friends since our freshman year of undergrad at Vanderbilt University. Oh, the days of frat boys, sleeping in until noon, and the constant vibe of no responsibility. Just kidding - we were studying until the sunrise every day and barely left our sweatpants to even attend class. Frat boys looked the other direction when they walked past me and I didn't care. I was all about science - screw boys.

I can't say the same about my friends. Madison's long brunette hair and model-like body always got the eyes of every eligible bachelor on Vanderbilts' campus. Unfortunately for her suitors, Madison only went for guys who she couldn't run circles around intellectually. Which the list, even at a prestigious college such as Vandy, was small. Madison is not only naturally gifted, but she is also intensely hardworking. It takes a special man to not be intimidated by her quick-witted spirit and stunning charisma that she brings to any room. Just ask the men at her law firm. Especially the ones whom she beat out to become the youngest junior partner.

While Madison is the more reserved girl of our trio, Penelope is the exact opposite. If your plans involve Pen, then you are in for the night of your life. The second she gets that sparkle in her eye, stay away. Trust me, there have been plenty of nights of trouble that only Penelope can stir up. I think it's one of the main qualities that makes her a special pediatric nurse practitioner. She is the biggest kid I know. Well, not actually big. She is quite tiny. Only standing a little over five feet. Secretly, I think it's another reason the children love her. Her kind smile and fun soul is just what the doctor orders when dealing with sick kids.

As for me, I like to think of myself as a good mix between my two best friends. I am headstrong and excessively hardworking, like my Madison, but can also let loose and get myself into troubling situations like Pen. Our trio always has a way of leveling each other out. These two were like the sisters I never had and became even more like family after my parents passed. Each of them welcoming me into thier homes with their families when I was ready to face the world again.

I smacked my credit card on the table and muttered, "you two have a blast. I can't wait to hear all about it in morning rounds tomorrow."

"Fine, fine you are forgiven, but only this once. Tell Thomas go to hell for me." I laugh as I turn around and wave my hand above my head in goodbye. As soon as I walk outside, the humidity of Georgia smacks me in the face, even though it is mid-October. Ah the south, where southern charm is actually being sarcastically sweet to your face but kicking you in the butt from behind. The south is all I have ever known. I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, but attended Vandy for both my undergraduate and medical school. After my parents passed, I thought I would never come back. That I would for a sure move up north or out west and never smell the scent of Georgia again. But, after Penelope and I both got jobs at Hudson Health Community Hospital, it felt right to come home and help the community that raised me.

I hop in my Uber and mutter a hello to the driver. Gosh, I hope Thomas is in a good mood tonight. Lately, he has been all over the place. Unreadable and unpredictable. I know he has a lot on his plate at work right now, but surely a grown man can figure out how to process his emotions. Ha. I wish. I met Thomas about two months after my parents died. I thought it was too soon for me to diving into a relationship, but he was persistent and his companionship brought me out of a deep, dark grief bubble. We have been dating for almost four years now. Sure, I thought he would have proposed by now. But, we are moving in together when my lease is up in a few months. Our professions make it hard for us to have a normal relationship. I am usually at the hospital seventy, eighty hours a week. He is usually working late into the night most weekdays.

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