Chapter 45 - I'll see you there

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"I'm going to the van; who drives best?" You tucked the sheathed blade into the back of your pants. And started for the forest.

"Me," Mountain chimed.

"Good, take the wheel. Aether, Cirrus and Rain, you take the bikes."

"Yes, Boss," Aether and Rain nodded.

"Yes, Papa," Cirrus grinned.

"You want shotgun, Angel~?" Sunny twittered.

"All yours, Sunny," you gave a final look to Sodo as the other two moved in on him. You should have kissed him goodbye. He took steps toward you. Cumulus pushed him back; he made an inhuman guttural noise and flashed teeth. Swiss pushed him down and got a fist to the face for it. You looked away and hopped into the back of the van.

You hadn't been in the van before. There were bagged bowling balls in the back and the scent of bus carpet mixing with incense. You saw Terzo in his bowling gear in your mind. Fucking idiot. He had not trusted you to come with him.

"Which route are we taking, Lovey?" Aether called before you could slide the door shut.

"Take the main roads, most direct."

"On it, boss," he mounted his bike.

You tugged the sliding door closed.

"Might want a seat belt, Honey; the forest is rough," Mountain called.

You fumbled with your seatbelt, hands sweating. As the van began rolling forward, you pulled your phone from your pocket and tried dialling Terzo. It rang through. You swallowed and texted. You could only wait for a response.

The forest was rough. No matter how spectacular a driver Mountain was, the forest was not meant for a van. And the ghouls, every single one of them was spectacular. The van tilted and jostled its way to the freeway—Sunny was utterly beaming with every near tree encounter. The asphalt felt almost holy in comparison. "How far are we from the temple?"

"We're an hour out if we abide by the road laws, Boss," Mountain informed.

"Are there any cops in this town left that would fuck with us?" You wondered out loud.

"I doubt it~ and if there were, better to outrun them, don't you think, Angel?" Sunny sparkled.

"Yes, you're right. How long if you gun it, Mountain?"

"Give me halfa," his grin twisted under his mop of hair, and he adjusted his glasses.

"Gun it." The effect was immediate; his bare foot slammed on peddle. You were knocked back against the seat. You caught glimpses of the bikes in the front windows as they sped up alongside.

Ten minutes into 'halfa' Mountain and Sunny both groaned. Out front, one of the biked ghouls wobbled. The van slowed for a moment.

"What the fuck was that?" You asked.

"Something's wrong," Mountain sounded almost pained.

"It's... Terzo, I don't feel him," Sunny never sounded worried.

Your stomach turned, and you gripped the seatbelt. "What does that mean?!"

"It's... it's like when the holy cunts had us in that demon trap, we're cut off from his soul," Mountain growled.

"No," Sunny began laughing. "No, it's much worse." She raised a hand, and it appeared to have cracked like grey marble. "We're being unsummoned."

You unbuckled to get to her, "what do I do?" You grabbed onto her arm and lost balance when it turned to ash.

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