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YOUR out of touch,IM out of time

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YOUR out of touch,
IM out of time.

the overpacked corner store. The supply of chilled popsicles and icee's found themselves ransacked by the local children of Denver.

The summer of 78' set upon the quaint grungy town and it was the hottest summer yet. As expected children flooded the uncollected streets scattering play balls, bikes, tennis rackets, water guns and an abundance of summer toys left to desert as the youth found sweet cool sanctuary in the local 'got it all' street store the

which was arguably 'the' spot to be for the adolescents of Denver.

Children ran in and out of the glass door of the store, the AC lingered on high and the speakers blasted the top hits of the week which was pathetic entertainment for the juvenile who was left to hold the fort down, As 'Fox on the run" shot through the store for the tenth time that day the teenager groaned and slammed his head down on the cash register.

Whereas on the other side of the store Vance Hopper who hung over the pinball machine for the fourth hour began to tap his foot to the beat, satisfied with his favourite song taking over the store for 3 minutes 20 seconds once again.

Unlike the bulk of teenagers who found satisfaction in being outside during the warm summer months vance found his joy at the back right corner of the 24/7 store. His goal? Of course was to beat his high score before summer break rolled along, if the store was this packed on a Sunday before school it was to his horror to think how hard it would be to concentrate during the actual summer break.

The store ran into a quite hour at 6PM where the only people occupying the store were vance and the moping cashier who wished to be out with his friends.

The door rang signalling a new customer yet the two teenage boys couldn't care to see who it was. Coincidentally 6PM was the radios 'lovers hour' where they played love songs for an hour straight, vance, the unappreciated teenager, obviously thought this was stupid idea in-fact he loathed it.

Yet the two that walked in flourished with happiness each 'lovers hour'. Bruce Yamada and Y/N Y/lN have been going out for a steady eleven months which was a eternity for the two fifteen year olds, as it would be for any teenager.

'Can't take my eyes off of you' played through the radio, contrasting with the previous rock and up beat pop music that lingered through the store.

Y/N and Bruce scrambled towards the drink section, being met a diverse range of cooled beverages which seemed like heaven for the sun kissed teenagers, as biking in 110 fahrenheit weather was beyond a stupid idea despite y/n's insistence that it would be enjoyable.

Vance couldn't help but glance at the couple as the chorus of the song rang out, the two fooled around dancing around and lip syncing the lyrics to each other, But his gaze sat fixated on Y/n who's hair was flying around yet still landing perfectly and her matching heart glasses with bruce slipping off her face as she messed around. She's perfect.

She's meant to be mine.

Vance pulled himself out of his disgusting sweet mind and ripped his eyes away from the enchanting girl.

He could hear the rings off their voices as y/n tried to fight bruce due to him insisting to pay, vance couldn't stand it anymore he abandoned his game and grabbed a carton of apple juice? To him it tasted like pure shit. battery acid even but he'd do anything to get the loved up couple away from each others grip.

"hurry up dipshits" Vance lowered his voice to an intimidating town to perhaps scare bruce off, of course it didn't work. Bruce was tough, he was strong he was the top baseball player in their town for god sake. Just because he didn't, doesn't mean Bruce couldn't throw a killer punch and hold himself well in a fight.

Bruce looked up at vance due to the mere
three meter high difference between the two. Bruce's body language changed he removed his arm from the y/n's chest and grabbed her arm defensively.

"fuck off will you,Vance." Bruce was usually calm in an ideal world yet the whole school year he saw how Vance looked at his girlfriend and he was far from harmonious with the boy, this sudden change made y/n give vance a pity smile despite the fact she was meant to have a strong dislike towards vance she couldn't muster up even a tiny bit of dismay for the boy.

Bruce payed for the two dr peppers and cherry suckers and escorted his girlfriend out the store, who began hysterically laughing as they met their bikes, Y/n never saw bruce act like that and she couldn't take him seriously. She mocked and pointed which gestured a smile out of her boyfriend.

Vance's gaze was stuck out the window looking at the laughing adolescent , she looked so adorable, angelic, beautiful, vance could think of a million words to call her. And her laugh was comparable to a siren call enough to intoxicate vance to be betrothed to the girl. He watched her cycle off, her bruised and cut up knees rising up and down no doubt her clumsiness was to blame. racing against bruce who had no idea about the race which made the girl laugh even more.

"couples am i right man" The boy at the till, mac, spoke. The two boys formed a friendship due to the endless hours both would spend glued to the store.

"Bruce is so fucking annoying, he shouldn't be going out with y/n right? She's totally hot" vance spoke his head was now filling with ways to totally make bruce's life a hell, how dare he talk to me like that.

"trust me i'd do that any day and any way" mac laughed out which made vances eyes snap right towards him

"you'll have to beat me to it" vance said trying not to blow his cover, he didn't like y/n for her "hot body" nor her pretty face despite them being bonuses, he liked the girl because of her sweet nature, the way she practically an angel living on earth.

and he wanted nothing more to protect that angel no matter how skin crawling that fact or sentence that was to him.

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