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Nine year old Viserya Velaryon sat in her room, her cousins Rhaena and Baela on either side of her as she conforted them. Their mother was having a difficult labour. She had been screaming for the last hour. Baela whimpered as she tried to hold back tears. Viserya looked down at them.
"Hey. There's no need to cry. I know it sounds scary but tomorrow you will have a new brother or sister. Sometimes labour is difficult." The girls smiled at her. 
"How about you two sleep in here with me tonight? That way we can all wake up together and meet your sibling?" Both girls smiled, nodding their heads. Rhaena and Baela climbed under the covers.
"Im going to go for my walk real quick okay. You two get some sleep. Ill see you in the morning." The girls closed their eyes and soon went to sleep. Viserya tucked them in and grabbed her shawl before quietly leaving the room. She made her way outside. She hated these castles. They all made her feel like she was suffocating. Maybe it was the Velaryon in her. The night air was calming. It smelled like the sea. Viserya wrapped her shawl tightly around her as there was a chill in the air. She made her way to the beach. Thats when she saw her aunts dragon Vhagar. The dragon was looking at something. From where she stood, she couldnt tell what. Viserya went to walk around, trying to see what it was. What caught her off guard was her aunts voice.
"Dracarys," her aunt Laena said. Dracarys was High Velaryon. It was what dragonriders said to their dragons to get them to breath fire. As she came around, she saw her aunt was infront of the dragon. She again yelled Dracarys. Vhagar looked reluctant but followed orders. A stream of fire left the dragons mouth engulfing her aunt in flames. It took the young princess a moment to understand. Viserya went to run to her aunt when she was stopped. She was pulled into someones chest.
"Its too late. We cant save her." She looked at her uncle, Prince Daemon. Tears streamed down her face. She cried into his chest. Daemon held the child for a moment. When she stopped crying, Daemon took the child into his arms and carried her back into her chambers. Before they made it to the room, she was asleep. He placed her into the bed beside her cousins. Tomorrow he was going to have to explain this to them. He kissed the three girls on the head before leaving to informing the Velaryons.

Viserya hated wearing black. It always meant death. She stood beside her brothers as her aunts casket was lowered into the ocean below. Velaryon's had sea burials. After the ceremony was the wake. Most ate small bits of food as they talked about Laena. Viserya only wanted to talk to one person. She stared down at the beach where her father stood. She gently made her way through the crowd and down the back stairs of Driftmark. She made her way through the sand. Laenor Velaryon heard footsteps. He glanced up. He smiled briefly, extending his arms. Viserya ran into his arms, hugging her father tightly. He knew she had seen Laena's death. He gently stroked her hair as he heard more footsteps. He looked up to see his mother and father. Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys. They stood on either side of their son. The family all looked out towards the water. Viserya pulled away from her father. Her eyes found the water as well. It was quiet for a few moments. Her voice broke the silence.
"She knew she was going to die. She wanted it to be on her own terms." Corlys, Rhaenys and Laenor all looked at each other before their eyes fell on the young Velaryon.
"I tried to save her. I wanted to save her. The fire..."
"Oh little Rose," her grandmother said, pulling her into a hug.
"You shouldnt have witnessed that." The girl smiled sadly at her grandmother before pulling away.
"Im quite tired. Forgive me." She quickly walked away leaving the oldest Velaryons. As Viserya made her way to her chambers, she saw her other grandfather and namesake, King Viserys. He stood with his wife, Queen Alicent. She decided to make her way towards them. King Viserys noticed his granddaughter walking towards him. He also knew what she had seen. He sat down the goblet of wine he had before making his way to her.
"My little gem." Viserya smiled at her nickname.
"Grandsire. I wanted to let you know I probably wont make it to dinner tonight. I am quite exhausted." He nodded.
"Of course child. I understand." The princess curtsied before making her way inside the castle. The King watched her leave before going back to his drink. Viserya finally got to her chambers. She closed the door before collapsing onto the bed. She was exhausted.

When she was woken up, moonlight shone through her window. She looked to see who had woken her up.
"Viserya. Come join us. Rhaena's going to claim Vaghar," Jacerys said. Viserya reluctantly crawled out of bed. She made her way to her door where Rhaena, Baela and her little brother Lucerys stood. They made their way outside, trying not to alert the guards. The Velaryon boys were conversing with their cousins as they approached the dragonpit. Viserya trailed behind, her thoughts were elsewhere. They came to the top of the stair leading to the dragonpit. Viserya was the first to spot her uncle. Aemomd Targaryen climbed the last step of the stairs, a smile covering his face. It took a moment before the others noticed him.
"Aemomd? What are you doing in the dragonpit?" Jacerys ask. Aemomd smirks, his eyes finding Jacerys'.
"Claiming a dragon." All the children gasped. Vhagar was the only unclaimed dragon in the pit. Anyone could claim her but priority had been given to Rheana.
"Vhagar wasnt yours to claim. She was mine," Rheana said. She was visibly upset. Aemomd shrugged.
"You should've claimed her earlier." Aemomd pushed past the distraught Targaryen girls. This made Jacerys mad. He grabbed Aemomd's shoulder turning the younger boy towards him.
Aemond, feeling threatened, pushed the young prince. A small fight broke out between the two boys. Viserya comforted her younger brother, and cousins as she tried to get the boys to stop. Suddenly, Jacerys pulled a knife. Before any of the children could register what happened, a pained scream filled the night air. Viserya saw blood coming from her uncle. She quickly ran over. Jacerys stood up and stepped away in shock. He hadnt expected to stab him. Viserya knelt down beside Aemomd. Her brothers dagger was sticking out of Aemomd's left eye.
"Jace. Take Luke and the girls and go find the Maester," she said. She gently propped up Aemond, placing his head on her lap. She looked over to see Jacerys still standing there in shock.
She snapped.
"Jace. NOW. " His eyes found hers before nodding. He grabbed Rhaena and Baela and took off towards the maesters, Lucerys following. Viserya turned back to Aemond.
"Take it out. Please." She shook her head.
"I wont. Youll be okay. Just take a few deep breaths," she said, gently stroking his hair. Before she could stop him, he took it out. Blood poured out of his eye.
"Dammit Aemond," she said, ripping part of her dress to try to stop the bleeding. Within seconds blood soaked the fabric and onto her hands and dress. As she went to rip more fabric from the clean part of her dress, the Grand Maester appeared behind her along with Lucerys. He quickly took over. Viserya climbed out from under Aemond. Viserya grabbed Lucerys' hand and pulled him inside. She knew her brother and cousins would be in the Great Hall. The Great Hall was currently full of household servents, funeral guest and guards. As Viserya and Lucerys entered, all eyes went to her. A few gasp filled the air as Ser Harrold Westerling approached the children.
"Are you alright princess," he asked, scanning her for injuries.
"I'm fine Ser Harrold," she leans foward whispering," Its Prince Aemond." He nodded before giving orders to the Kingsguard. Viserya and Lucerys made her way to the back of the room where Jacerys, Rhaena and Baela were.
"How could you be so stupid Jace?"
"I-I dont know. I dont remember grabbing my dagger." Viserya rubbed her forehead. Her head ached. Everything that had happened was getting to the young child. The crowd gasping again caught their attention. Aemond was brought. A few moments later Lord Corlys, Princess Rhaenys, Princess Rhaenyra, Prince Daemon and the King and Queen entered the room. Rhaena and Baela ran to their grandmother as Rhaenyra and Lord Corlys made their way to Jacerys, Lucerys and Viserya. Rhaenyra checked her children for injuries satisfied she didnt find any. Viserya didnt remember much of what happened next. Her vision had blurred slightly. No one really paid attention to the young girl. She quietly tried to make her way to her chamber. Prince Daemon was the only one who noticed her. He could tell something was wrong with the child. He walked up to her just as her vision wemt black. Daemon caught her before she fell. He quickly took her to her room, quietly telling one of the guards to send for the maesters. He laid her down on her bed. The Grand Maester Mellos came in to check on her.
"Will she be alright," Daemon asked.
Mellos respomded.
"From the death of her aunt and the death of Ser Harwin plus the events of that day, It is a wonder the princess was awake for most of the day. She is strong like her mother. Let her sleep in tomorrow."
Daemon nodded as the Grand Maester left. He had a guard placed on her door and told them not to let anyone disturb her. She would let them know when she was awake. Daemon gently made sure the child was comfortable before leaving. That night Viserya dreamed of her aunt and all the fun times they had. She had no clue what would happen next.

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