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Viserya stood in front of a mirror, staring at herself as her handmaids fixed her hair. All eligible men of title were at Kings Landing to ask for the princess' hand in marriage. Her mother and the queen had arranged this ball to fulfill the Kings wish. Viserya wore a black and sea blue dress, to represent House Targaryen and House Valeryon.(Shown above.)Her silver hair was placed in three braids and curled around her head. A matching tiara was placed on top of her head. Viserya smiled at herself. She did like this outfit. There was a knock on her door. 
"The Princess Rhaenyra and the prince Daemon." Viserya turned around to greet her mother and step-father. Rhaenyra approached her daughter, wrapping her into a hug. Viserya smiled, hugging her mother back. It had been almost a year since the two had seen each other. She pulled away and smiled at Daemon. Daemon grabbed her hand and kissed it. While Daemon wasn't her father, he had always treated her like a daughter. For that she was greatful. 
"It's good to see you, my darling. How are you?" Viserya smiled up at her mother. 
"I'm quite alright mother. I'm very excited to become engaged. It is the Kings wish so it is mine." Rhaenyra looked at her daughter. For a moment sadness filled her eyes. Viserya always acted so mature for her age and sometimes Rhaenyra forgot she was only in her fourteenth year. Daemon could see the struggle in Rhaenyra's eyes. He grabbed her hand.
"We shall let you finish getting ready. We will see you in the dance hall." Viserya nodded, lowering her head in a bow as her mother and Daemon left. Viserya dismissed the maids. She needed a moment to herself. She sat down on her bed and took a deep breath. She knew that this was her duty but she didn't want to do this. She wanted to explore Westeros and fight on the seas with her Grandfather. She wanted adventure. Once she was married, she'd have to stop her training. She'd be forced to live a life she doesn't want anything to do with. Viserya took a deep breath. She stood up and fixed her dress before making her way out the door. Standing outside the door was Ser Harrold. 
"Good evening princess. Might I say you look lovely." Viserya smiled at the knight. He had always been there for her. He had helped her through the dark time of her life after her father and aunt died. He was like family to her. 
"Thank you Ser. Will you kindly escort me to the dance hall?" A smile appeared on Ser Harrold's face. He reached out his elbow for her to take. 
"It would be an honor." She took his arm and the two made their way downstairs. 

Viserya had never been more bored than she was at the ball. Lord after Lord had approached the princess complimenting her on her looks, her title, saying that they would make beautiful children. It was horrible. No one cared about her. They just wanted an heir. It made her sick. She was glad to see many familiar faces though. Helena and Aemond were there. She hadn't had a chance to talk to them yet but she planned to before the night was done. Her grandparents had come, bringing her great uncle Vaemond as well. Her mother had brought Jacerys and Lucerys. There was a lull in the party as everyone ate. Viserya stared at her plate. She was ready to just choose a name and get it over with. She took a bite of whatever was on the plate. She wasn't too sure nor did she care at that moment. 
"Is this not your thing, princess?" She looked to her right. Aemond was sat beside her. She had completely forgotten he was there. 
"You know me better than most. You tell me." Aemond let out a chuckle. 
"I remember that one time we had to go to Aegon's twelfth name day. We got so bored we boarded a boat and went to Driftmark." Viserya and Aemond broke down into a fit of laughter as the memory filled her mind. They were eight and had decided that they hated parties. So they went to Driftmark. Their parents were so mad that they had "ruined"  Aegon's name day. Their laughs died down. 
"Well, sadly I can't just disappear. everyone would notice if I did." Aemond nodded. 
"I'm sorry you have to go through this. I know you'd much rather be anywhere. else" Viserya smiled. 
"You're not wrong. If I was at Driftmark, I'd be training," she said longingly. Aemond smiled at her.
"I just don't want to have to give up training or adventures you know. I want to do my duty of course but I want to live a little first." 
 The two had been close growing up. They were only two weeks apart and had even shared the same milk nurse. He was the one that got Viserya interested in sword fighting. 
"I wish the same, Serya. I wish the same." Aemond had used her old nickname. He was the only one that called her that. She was about to reply when the music started up again, signaling it was time to dance. Viserya was to have one dance with each Lord and at the end of the night she would choose one to marry her. One by one, dance after dance, Viserya started to get worried. None of these men were interesting. They had all said that she was beautiful, that they would make her happy. That she would be the perfect wife and mother. She was about to just leave and tell the King that she couldn't do this when a familiar voice spoke.  
"May I have the next dance?" Viserya turned around to see Ser Vaemond. She smiled. 
"Of Course Ser Vaemond." She took his hand and they began the dance. 
"I'm glad to see you are taking your duties seriously. We wouldn't want you to waste your child bearing years. Have you chosen a suitor yet?" Viserya was taken aback by his bluntness. She had never liked him. He was family though. 
"Not yet. I want to dance with them all first before I choose one."
"Then lets make it easy. Marry me. You'll get to stay on Driftmark and I can convince my brother to hand Driftmark over to me and not that bastard brother of yours." Viserya pulled away from him. The song had ended. The look of shock on Viserya's face caught the attention of her grandfather. Lord Corlys made his was towards his granddaughter and brother. He placed himself in between the two. 
"Is everything all right, little rose?" 
"No. Ser Vaemond has said some very cruel and treasonous things," she whispered the last part to her grandfather. Corlys turned to his brother, giving him a death stare. 
"What did he say, Viserya?" 
"That I should marry him so he can become heir to Driftmark instead of Lucerys. He called Lucerys a bastard." Vaemond glared at the little princess. He went to reach for her when he was pulled away. Daemon was behind him. He had come over to see what was wrong with his step daughter and overheard the conversation.  
"Touch her and trust me, your death will be excruciating. I suggest you leave before the King finds out what was said." Vaemond turned his glare towards Daemon. Daemon met him with a glare of his own. Nothing more was said as Vaemond left. Viserya let out a  breath she didn't know she was holding. Daemon and Corlys turned their attentions' to the young girl. 
"Are you okay, little Gem?" Viserya nodded. 
"I am quite alright. Thank you for your help. I am going to go get a drink." She walked away, leaving her family alone. The two men decided to keep an eye on her for the rest of the night. Viserya grabbed a cup of wine and drank it. The night was almost over and she had no idea who she was going to choose. 
"May I have the next dance?" Aemond stood in front of her with an outstretched hand. Viserya sat her drink down and smiled, taking his hand. She needed a distraction. They began to dance to the music. They were taught these dances so often, it was second nature to them. Aemond had noticed the commotion and asked her what had happened. 
"Ser Vaemond said some things that were inappropriate. He wanted me to marry him so that my grandfather would make him heir of Driftmark. " An instant hatred grew in Aemond's heart for Ser Vaemond. 
"Has anyone peaked your interest?" 
"No. All they want is a royal child. No one wants me for me. I absolutely hate it but I will choose someone tonight. I must. "
" Well. I might have a  solution."
"Oh?" Viserya looked at her uncle questioningly.
"As you may know my mother is trying to get me to marry as well. What if we solve both of our problems? We marry each other. You wouldn't have to give up training. I wouldn't force you to do anything. We can both have lovers if we choose too.. It would be like what we talked about when we were younger. " Viserya looked up at him.  His offer was tempting.  They had talked about this when they were younger. That they would marry so that they could both have their freedom. She had assumed he had forgotten. Viserya smiled. 
"I might just do that. Are we prepared  for that. I know our mothers will hate this. " Aemond thought for a moment. 
"We can take it directly to the king. If we tell him, he might just go for it. Our mothers would have to allow it."  They both smiled at each other.  Viserya could be happy with this arrangement. She wouldn't have to give up everything she loved. She could have adventures with Aemond, her best friend. They finished the dance in silence praying to the Gods that this would work. 

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