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Viserya always believed that the castles in Westeros were cursed. None made it more true to her then two nights after her aunts funeral. She was taking her nightly walk when she heard a comotion. She made her way towards the sound. Guards ran by her. Viserya knew something was wrong. She ran to see what was happening.

Ser Harrold had been the first to the scene. A servent boy had said he had seen Ser Laenor fighting with someone. When he made it in there he saw the young Sers body in the fire and someone running the opposite way. Guards followed the man as another went to awaken Lord Corlys. Ser Harrold was also the one to notice the young princess. She didnt need to see this too. He quickly grabbed her pulling her to his chest, shielding her from the sight.
"Im sorry child. Your father...". Viserya tried to fight Ser Harrold. She couldnt believe it. Her father wasnt dead. She expertly got out of his grip. Oh how she wished she wasnt always curious. Laying on the floor was a burnt body. She wanted to argue that it could be anyone. Until she saw the necklace on the body. Her fathers necklace. One he never took off. She let out a pained scream as she cried over the body. Her grandparents entered the room. Princess Rhaenys also screamed in pain. In the span of three days, she had lost both of her children. Lord Corlys tried to calm his wife as he held back tears. The guards explained what had happened. Princess Rhaenys regained her composure. She knew people would be looking to her. That was the moment she noticed Viserya. She quickly scooped the crying child into her arms. She walked back over to Lord Corlys, trying to comfort the poor child. He gave orders to the guards. Ser Harrold offered to take over. He gladly accepted as he lead Rhaenys and Viserya upstairs. They went to their chamber. Rhaenys sat down in a chair and rocked the child to sleep.

The funeral for Laenor was the same for Laena. A Velaryon sea burial. It hit all the Velaryon's hard but none so like Viserya. She hadnt spoken since that night. Rhaenyra, Daemon and even the king had tried to get the child to speak. She sat on the beach, almost the same spot she stood with her father mear days ago. Her head was on her knees as she stared at the ocean, hoping this was all just a horrible dream. Rhaenyra stood with Daemon, Jacerys, Lucerys and baby Joffery. Oh how she wanted to tell Viserya about her father. How he wasnt really dead but had run away with his lover. Rhaenyra knew better though. Viserya would tell her grandparents. Laenor wanted to be with his lover and Rhaenyra wanted to be with Prince Daemon. She excused herself and made her way down the stairs to the beach, young Joffery craddled in her arms. Viserya heard someone approaching but she didnt look to see who it was. Rhaenyra sat down beside the young princess.
"Little gem. Your father and I made arrangements for if something where to happen to one of us. To make sure you all had something to remember us by. You were your fathers pride and joy. He wanted me to give this to you in case of his death." Viserya looked at her mother. A small box was in her hand. Viserya grabbed it. When she opened the box, she gasped. It was a gold coin, engraved with a rose. The rose was made out of tiny purple gems. She smiled.
"Thank you mother. I shall wear it always," Viserya said, placing it around her neck. The chain was made of Valarion steal. Rhaenyra smiled at Viserya. She was glad to have brought the child some semblance of happiness.
Rhaenyra and Viserya stood up. The three royals made their way back to Castle Driftmark. Viserya stared at the castle in contempt. She really hated these castles. She vowed that day to never marry someone with a castle. Viserya made her way to her grandmother. She wanted to show her the necklace. Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys stood off to the side, out of view of everyone. They were having a heated debate.
"You can't just accuse someone of murder. Let alone the heir to the Iron Throne," Lord Corlys said to his wife.
"I can and I will. She made a fool of the Velaryon name, having four children use that name when only one deserves it. Plus there's been word that she and Prince Daemon are already married. Our children, their spouses, are dead and they remarried. Only days after their deaths. I whole heartedly believe that she is responsible for Laenor's death," Rhaenys said. Lord Corlys gently took his wife by the arms.
"Love, I understand your upset, but this is treason." He pulled her into a hug. As he calmed down, Viserya came around the corner. She saw her grandparents hugging and tooka step back. She didnt want to disturb them. Rhaenys saw the young girl and smiled. She might not have her children but she did have her granddaughters. Rhaenys pulled away from Corlys before nodding towards Viserya. Lord Corlys turned around.
"Grandmother, grandfather. I have something to show you.
He approached the girl with outstretched arms.
"Let me see Little Rose." Viserya climbed into his arms and showed the pendent to him. Lord Corlys smiled. He sat down, placing the girl onto his lap. Rhaenys sat down beside them.
"Your father asked me to have this made for you. He said that he wanted you to have something to always remind you who you are. Our Velaryon Rose. The Targaryen gem. You may not understand it quite yet but you were the answer to many prayers. Laenor wanted to make sure you always knew that." Viserya smiled at her grandparents. She knew she was special to everyone. She smiled and hugged her grandfather. They sat in peaceful silence for a moment before a voice interrupted it.
"Brother I need to speak with you a moment." The Velaryon's looked up to see Lord Corlys' brother Vaemond Velaryon. Corlys knew what this was about. It was always about the same thing.
"Now is not the time Ser Vaemond," Lord Corlys said, nodding down towards Viserya. Viserya felt eyes on her. She looked up to see her Great Uncle staring at her. She looked away before crawling out of her grandfathers lap.
"Its alright Grandfather. I must take my leave anyway," Viserya said. She went to leave when Vaemond stopped her.
"Ser Vaemomd," she nodded towards him as she left. His eyes never left her until she was out of sight. Vaemond returned his gaze to Corlys.
"Now that your son has died with no heir to Driftmark, I believe you should make me heir." It took everything in Corlys not to attack his brother.
"How dare you. Our children are dead and all you're worried about is titles."
Vaemomd rolled his eyes.
"Yes. I am. You should have made me heir long ago. Now you have no heir. So lets make it easy. Name me as your heir." Corlys took a deep breath. His brother was a power hungry fool.
"Driftmark has an heir," Corlys said.
Vaemomd scoffed.
"What the bastard. He isnt Velaryon. You would give up Driftmark."
"Hold your tongue Vaemond. I will not have you disrespecting the Targaryens in my home. Besides. You arent married Vaemond nor do you have children. If I were to make you heir we would loose Driftmark either way. Now. I am done with this nonsense." Corlys reached for Rhaenys' hand.
"Come darling. Lets go see the Targaryens off." They left Vaemond standing there. He knew that he would get Driftmark even if it killed him.

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