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I fucking recognized those eyes even from miles away

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I fucking recognized those eyes even from miles away. Deep shade of brown pupils being caught checking me out. I felt a sudden wave of power when she quickly looked down. Crimson red tinted her pale cheeks in embarrassment at getting caught looking at a person she was not supposed to. And she didn't know what just hit her.

I grab the chance of roaming the length of her body. Curves in all the right places–the black almost nightgown-like dress fitted her as if it was her second skin. The topper material of her dress pushed her already big breasts out even more and I had to shift the hard-on forming in my pants with my hand.

She probably has never even seen a dick in her life and the messed up thought excites me. Untouched–a fucking virgin. A new plaything. So forbidden and beautiful. But fuck, she has to hate me like her life depended on it. As if it was her goal to succeed.

"Brother?" Mattia gripped my shoulder. Drawing my filthy thoughts away from Natalie. I glanced at him. "Don't draw attention to your eye fucking on the Pierce girl, she's off limits remember?"

Not so soon she'll not. "Can't I admire a marvelous woman? I don't see any problem in that, brother."

"You know what I mean. She isn't married yet, and we do not want to cause any more trouble with the Pierce family." He reasoned in a low tone, sounding almost troubled.

"What if I ask her father for her hand in marriage?" I ask.

Mattia stilled by my sudden outburst of words even I did not consider, only after I said them I frowned. "I heard she's a real pain in the ass. Look around you brother, you have so many options, but you choose the girl you can't have."

"I'll ask her father tonight, watch how it's done, brother."

Men and women gather in the middle of the floor and choose their partners before the dance begins

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Men and women gather in the middle of the floor and choose their partners before the dance begins. I settled my eyes on Natalie who is now walking toward the buffet table, her hips swinging side to side. If I was turned on I would assume she was doing that on purpose.

She would definitely kill my ass if I told her I'm asking her father for her hand. But that might ruin the surprise. I smirk, imagining the look on her face at the news. Poor girl, marrying a man like me. As if I give a single fuck what she thinks. She'll be mine.

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