Ch| 6

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Day 1: One day before the wedding.

Someone was in my room last night because the end of my bed was neatly placed before I went to sleep, and now it's all messed up

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Someone was in my room last night because the end of my bed was neatly placed before I went to sleep, and now it's all messed up.

Standing up, I swiftly grab the black hair tie on my nightstand and make a messy bun with my birdnest on top of my head and then head towards my bathroom.

I walk up to the sink and splash cold water on my face, then pat the excess of water off of my face. I do my simple morning routine before exiting the bathroom and out of my room.

And what I'm met with leaves a gasp out of my mouth. People running around, shouting, carrying heavy items down the stairs. The dense energy smacked me in the face as I stepped out of my room.

"Fucking step aside!" A voice beside me yelled, causing me to jerk back and stare at the person running past me at full speed.

"What the fuck did you just say?" His voice could be detected even if he stood with the door, all the way down stairs.

Everyone now running stopped what they were doing and looked at Camilo. The man who yelled turned around.

"Mr. Accardi!" He said quickly and bowed his head, facing the floor. Camilo walked toward him.

"Do I have to repeat myself, peasant?" He said, darkly. "No-no sir..she was in my way and I didn't want to hit her,"

"And that's why you cussed at my wife?"

"Wi-wife?" He stiffened, eyes wide.

I had enough of Camilo's humiliation on this poor worker and gripped Camilo's arm, but I didn't know touching him would cause the reaction it did in that moment.

"Get back into your room, love." His voice was low, making a shiver run down my spine.

I didn't argue with him and turned around, walking inside my room and closed the door softly behind me.

Minutes later, the door to my room burst open, revealing a very angry Camilo. "What you did out there was fucking outrageous, Natalie!" He shouted, making me once again recoil back.

"You were humiliating your worker, that is not the way to communicate Camilo!" I shouted back, walking towards him.

"Don't fucking raise your voice back at me, tesoro!"

I chuckled once standing inches away from his body. "Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do huh? My father?"

Camilo took a step closer, closing the space between our bodies. "You know..I have been holding back from fucking you so hard you wont be able to walk for weeks–and right now," he lowered his face, inches from my lips.

"I want to do just fucking that." He whispered harshly but stood still. A smile spread across my face.

"Are you holding back, mhm?" I teased, lifting my hand up to his face.

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