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I try to roll onto my back only to be pressed against something hard

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I try to roll onto my back only to be pressed against something hard. I groan as I wiggle and squirm, trying to detangle my body from whatever is holding me motionless.

"Stop moving," the deep morning voice of Camilo spoke from behind me, forcing me to go rigid.

My eyes flutter open and I think of the first thing that comes to mind.

I scream.

I hit, tug, trash--but the man wouldn't fucking budge, not even slightly. He welcomed all of my torture that was supposed to make him roll over and run to his room.

Having enough of my little effort, he wrapped his inked arms around my waist and pinned my back flush against his chest.

His large hand firmly grasps my hip, holding me in place.

"Few more minutes, darling," he mumbles in my hair.

He somehow managed to sneak into my room and slide behind me in my sleep. Fuck why do I need to be a deep sleeper?.

His hand on my hip softly trails down my down and up my stomach. "Are you teasing me, Natalie?" I make out the smirk looming in my hair.

"Teasing? I'm not the one who's hard am I?" I turn my head to the side and grinned.

"Confident are we now?" The bulge inside his pants is pushed against my ass.

"Spread your legs for me," he muttered seductively, his head moving to my nape.

My legs shut together at his request. "Get off me," I retort, fed up with his horney ass.

"Don't be difficult--yesterday you were all over me. And now you suddenly behave like a spoiled bitch," he snaps, bowing his head to my neck.

"I'm going to show you a bitch, you motherfucker." I shove my elbow into his ribs as hard as I can and Camilo immediately freed me from his hold and rolled to the other side of the bed.

"Fuck!" He grunts in pain and this was my chance to run.

And as I pulled my sheets away, two solid arms circled my waist and banged my back onto the bed.

Camilo crawled on top of my body and sprawled across my lower stomach. He furiously clutches both of my wrists in his rough hand and pins them above my head.

He lowers his head inches from my lips. "You love to play with me don't you, piccola?" (little one)

His tone is calm, but I know beneath that calm tone of his is a fucking beast who is ready to slit my throat any minute.

"Fuck you, cazzo!" I roar, feeling a little confident, and spit in his face.

I watch my spit drip down his face to his cheek. His mouth twitched and his eyes narrowed deadly.

I barely managed to blink before he yanks my hair down, bringing my face up so close to his lips.

"Look at you, so weak. Too tired to fight back your husband," He mocks and smiles, revealing his pearly white teeth.

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