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    "Natalie!" A familiar voice yelled behind me

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"Natalie!" A familiar voice yelled behind me. I turned around to face the person with the voice and saw my sister Isabella wrapping her arms around neck.

Her sudden hug forced me to stumble slightly in my steps.

"Isabella! You're crushing me," I patted her back for a signal for her to release me.

"Shit! Sorry," she quickly pulled back and sized me up for any injuries but I laughed at her serious face.

"You didn't hurt me, don't worry." I assured her and she straightened.

She looked at me. And I immediately knew what it was about by the way her mouth tipped up in a smirk.

"I get it ok,"

"He was so aggressive while kissing you. Even my husband has never kissed me the way your husband has,"

Husband. Camilo Accardi is my husband.

"But it felt so good and rough..." I trailed off.

"What felt good and rough Natalie Accardi?" Two strong arms encircled around my waist from behind me.

"No we're just talking ride we had that one time right Isabella?" I stare at her for help.

"Oh yes! That one yeah it was fire." I wanted to mentally slap myself.

"Your little chit chat there was fun but now I have to sadly take my wife with me somewhere more private."

She looked between me and Camilo. "She can't. I'm sorry she has to get ready for the after party.." She gripped my wrist gently.

"With her sister," she smiled, gently pulling me to her side.

I turned my head up at Camilo and his gaze was darkening.

"You don't mind me getting a kiss from my you?" He grumbled.

"Of course not." She let go of my wrist and another more rougher hand gripped my arm and rammed my chest into his body.

He peered down at me, his gaze turning soft once his eyes locked with mine.

"Make sure you wear a dress that is easy for my hands to slip in between..and prepare yourself for tonight because we're flying across the country." His hands grabbed the sides of my face and lowered his lips gently on mine for what I thought was a peck but then his lips pressed tighter and his teeth sucked my lower lip and my lips parted giving him access to shove his tongue inside my mouth as his lips devoured my lips leaving my body and mind a breathless mess.

"Be a good girl for me," he rasped, tilting my head up and pecking my neck before teasingly pulling at the skin of my neck with his teeth.

"Bye!" I waved to him while disappearing from his sight.

"I think he loves you a lot,"


"That's the dress?" The dress was hanging on a small hanger on the wall. It was filled with small diamonds that reflected in the light above the dress.

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