Chapter 11 - Simple, But Effective

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A little over a week had passed since the terrifying and surreal events that had thrust Harry into Debbra's life, and thanks to his initiative and her little or no resistance, she was also increasingly involved in his life. And in complex, important, delicate facts with unpredictable developments.

Christmas was just a few days away, and Harry's artistic schedule was intentionally empty for his, his band and the rest of the team to rest, after not one, but two years of success, work and exhaustion. He would only resume his career commitments in the second half of January, and even then, little by little.

Harry had told Debbra, without much detail, that there were plans to produce another album, some videos, the recording of some collaborations with other artists, some advertising campaigns for his brands - Pleasing and Gucci, the latter of which he was practically a partner, in addition to being one of the main male models for concept fashion.

He had invitations and pre-contracts for films in Hollywood, he had projects in the areas of beauty, cosmetics, and even more news in the field of philanthropy.

At 30, Harry was a well-oiled, potent machine, running at full capacity with no apparent sacrifice. He simply loved what he did. His health and youth allowed him to reconcile several simultaneous projects, the constant travels around the world seemed to mean absolutely nothing, in terms of wear and tear. And the media exposure, always exacerbated, seemed to be under control, even with the kidnapping and death threat he had suffered.

If there was something that was not foreseen, planned or scaled, it was precisely a meeting of the five members of One Direction, especially an artistic, public meeting - a concert, properly speaking.

The "return of One Direction" was a dream cherished by millions and millions of boy band fans around the world. It was almost an obsession, increasingly difficult to confirm, because everyone was treading their own paths in a solo career. Although with different levels of success. Harry at the absolute top, already on the Olympus of solo pop artists. Loui was climbing important steps. His Faith In The Future album had achieved great success, he had taken number 1 in the UK with a few songs, had also been very successful in different parts of the world, and had managed to carry out a perfect world tour.

Niall Horan, Zayn Malik and Liam Payne were also reaping good results from their work, but at a smaller pace and dimension, which seemed to be their choice, so Debbra understood that the five were doing well, in professional terms. A nostalgic One Direction show really seemed like something to think about with caution, in order not to disturb each other's solo schedules.

Debbra, however, saw no major impediments. Even though she was a completely external figure and alien to the universe of Harry and his boyband friends, she was a journalist, celebrity interviewer, content producer, including cultural content. She knew how things worked in that medium. And, with the money everyone had earned, there would be no problem getting them up to great production in weeks.

Public, it wouldn't be a problem. In fact, it would. Excess audience. Because one concert alone would not be able to meet the infinite army of fans of the band. It would take a mini-season, or a mini-tour, to see various parts of the world. And, certainly, it would be necessary and desirable for this project to be used in different ways - documentary, album, podcast, book, and what not. The consumption of this material would be total, absolute and very profitable, without a doubt.

After Harry left, she had been thinking about all these details, even considering whether the boys, if they reached an agreement, would decide to revert the profit of this incredible undertaking to charity. It would be wonderful, she thought. But she felt like an idiot, because everything, for now, was just an idea and an appeal from Niall.

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