Chapter 13 - Something Changed?

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Debbra slept soundly, and the next day she left early for her hallowed running workout. She purposely kept the bed unmade, and ran her usual 10 kilometers feeling very light on her feet, still imagining love scenes between Harry and Loui, while listening to Medicine, Only Angel, Sweet Crieture, No Control, Written All Over Your Face, Silver Tongues, all songs by both, and that made your fantasies about the two multiply.

As she ran, feeling her body warm and her heart racing, Debbra was reminded of how much she had always really hoped for their relationship to work. "Larry Stylinson" was something so perfect in her head, they looked more and more beautiful and perfect together.

Of course, neither she nor anyone else could have imagined that one day she would be so close to Harry, to the point of having an affair with him. But, that was what fate had presented her with. Now it was necessary to balance everything, so that everyone would be okay, and two such amazing stories - Harry and Loui, and Harry with her, would end well.

Even as she finished the run, she noticed by her cell phone alarm that text messages were coming in. When she finished the route, she saw that it was Harry asking if she was still in the park, or if he could go straight to her apartment to "have breakfast".

Debbra laughed mischievously. She knew very well what these "breakfasts" were like. Harry was determined to go. "I'm taking some pastries from Belém, my mother sent me some that a friend of hers brought from Portugal yesterday. They're amazing. I saved them for us to eat together", he argued, as if she needed any more reason to accept his invitation to her house.

Debbra was without her car, which had been left in the company lot the night before when she had gone out with Zyan. To get to the park, he had used a taxi, and he did the same to go from the park to the company to take his SUV. Fortunately, the distances were short and, as it was still so early, it took her no more than ten minutes to reach her vehicle.

Debbra got into the car and merely typed. "Breakfast at home, yes. No pastries. I'll leave the door unlocked. See you later." She took the way home in a hurry, because she wanted to get there before him. He ran upstairs and got under the shower.

The moment she turned off the shower, she heard Harry stepping in,not bothering to be discreet. "Debbraaaaa, I brought the pastries! Good morning", he shouted, going from the living room to the kitchen, where he left a package but, as she wasn't there, he went straight to the bedroom.

Debbra had merely managed to wrap herself in a bath towel and her hair was still soaking wet. Harry grinned wider than the room itself and grabbed her tightly, kissing her wet lap, her neck, her hair that was still dripping with water and smelling of the delicious Italian shampoo he had loved since the day of the dramatic roadside rescue.

She allowed herself to be involved and soon started ripping off the sweatshirt he was wearing, and they threw themselves on the same bed where, the previous afternoon, he and Loui had loved each other madly. There was a particularly mischievous look in Harry's adorable gaze as he caressed and possessed her. She was even more excited than usual. They had wild, vigorous sex and curled up on the bed for a while longer, and that's when it became clear that they were both feeling the insinuating mix of smells there.

She was lying across his chest, her damp hair spread over his torso. He stroked her back slowly, and she couldn't resist, and had to comment. "I didn't want to change the sheets. I decided that I wanted to at least imagine, smelling your perfume, how the big reunion was", he said, without looking at Harry, who took a moment to react.

For a while longer, he continued to stroke her back, and then he lifted her face to face him. "How do you do that?" he asked, with a look on his face that she couldn't define whether it was curiosity or malice, or both. "This what?" she asked, naughty. "Oh, Debbra, don't give me that! You practically threw me in that bed with Loui! You just didn't do it because you had that meeting at the publisher. You think I don't know? A little more and you...", Harry stopped mid-sentence, eyes wide, smiling nervously. "Me what, honey?", she teased, raising her body a little to be face to face with him, her mouth brushing his mouth, her breathing, now labored, mingling with his. Harry narrowed his eyes. "A little more and you would come here too, or am I mistaken?"

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