Season 1 Episode 5: "My Life Would Suck Without Oprah"

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a/n : has it really been a whole YEAR since I wrote the last chapter? Wow. I am so sorry guys.. I am going to try and finish this season by the end of the summer.. I'll come up with a better writing schedule because I still love this story so much and I don't want to leave it incomplete. Hope the wait was worth it?? Ah, sorry again guys :(

"Final boarding call for flight 36 to Chicago."

"That's us," I squeezed Jake's hand as we headed to our gate. Jake decided he didn't want to take away any thunder from my interview with Oprah, so he would go to his audition and then meet me back at the studio to take me to dinner before we flew back to California.

After we had gotten settled in our seats, Jake turned to me. "Have you thought about what you're going to say?" He asked, linking his hand in mine. I shook my head. "It's only been three months since Jay Leno. I didn't think I would be back in the spotlight this fast," I shrugged. Jake kissed my cheek, "you'll do great."

I fell asleep with my head resting on Jake's shoulder. I woke up as the plane was landing in Chicago. I blinked, looking over at Jake. He was watching some children's movie on his iPad. I snorted when I woke up, which surprised him. "Dork," I whispered.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Chicago"

After our town car dropped me off at the studio, I felt sick to my stomach. I really hadn't given any thought to the interview, but I knew that the fans needed more answers and if I wanted to go back to normal, I needed to give them some.

Oprah's producers were really friendly, offering me food every few minutes. Hair and makeup were very excited to work with the hair that was under the wig this whole time, and put makeup on a face that didn't need to be painted with glitter. After about an hour, I was finally ready to be interviewed.

"Okay Miley, here is how today is going to go down," Oprah smiled at me as we sat in our chairs. I had always wondered what it would be like to be interviewed in Oprah's private room. "Don't look at the cameras. We want this to be as candid as possible, like just you and I are talking." "Except, fifty million people will be watching," I laughed. "Yes, exactly," she smirked, "now, we wont ask much about the whole Jake thing, other than if you two are together, and if so, how long, and how you guys are managing long distance. We want this interview to be about you, and also help you get through the really crazy scandals hitting the tabloids since you took off the wig. Any questions before we get started?" I shook my head no.

"I'm sitting here today with quite possibly the most famous secret pop star in the world, Miley Stewart. How are you doing today, Miley?"

"I'm great, Oprah. Excited to be in Chicago today."

"Well, I love Chicago. Tell me Miley, what's it been like to have finally taken off the wig, and go do normal eighteen-year-old things like go off to college?"

"It feels great, Oprah. I mean I have always had friends and family who knew my secret and had my back and helped me be normal outside the wig, but now I get to have that feeling every minute of the day and while it was hard for the first couple weeks, I really enjoy it now."

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