Season 1: Episode 2 - Call Me Miley

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I motioned for Lilly to wait for me, and fully turned toward Jake. I was shocked. Last I heard about Jake Ryan, he was engaged to some

Canadian actress and teased the magazines about retiring. "Miley," he smiled warmly, hugging me tightly, "I'm so glad I could find

you." Jake pulled away from the hug. "What are you doing here?" I said quietly, after all I might not be as famous anymore but surely

Jake would still be recognized in a heartbeat, "do you go to Stanford too?" He didn't answer. I heard a shrill voice come enter the deli

behind me, "Jakey boo, I've been looking for you!" A tall girl, with model looks and long brown hair passed me and draped her arms

around Jake, kissing his cheek. "Oh my gosh!" She beamed as she glanced at me, "you're Hannah Montana!"

"Actually, her name is Miley," Jake nodded to the girl. "Miley," Jake gestured to me, "this is my girlfriend, Lizzie. She's a freshman here

at Stanford too. I'm visiting her for the weekend to help her get settled." "Nice to meet you, Lizzie," I grinned, confusedly. I thought

Jake was engaged. "And I'm Lilly, in case anyone here forgot," Lilly groaned. I had forgotten she was even there. "Cool," Lizzie's lip

curled, "do you two party?" Before Lilly could answer, I chimed in. "Yeah, we party," I said, taking a last sip of my mocha latte. Lizzie

opened her purse and handed me a hot pink flyer. "The Delta Zeta Nu's are having a party tonight. You both should come," Lizzie

smiled. "You're in a sorority already?" Lilly beamed excitedly. "No," Lizzie bit her lip, her grip on Jake getting much tighter, "my sister

Ashley is captain of Delta Zeta Nu, so obviously when I do pledge, I'll be in for sure." "We will definitely be there!" Lilly grinned, her

enthusiasm coming from thin air. "Cool, see you tonight," Lizzie waved as she led Jake out of the deli.

"Come on, Miley, you have to go. It's a -sorority- party! Jake's going to be there." Lilly groaned as she searched her closet for something

to wear to the party. "I don't know if I want to, Lilly," I sighed, "every time Jake and I hang out something bad happens and then we

don't even end up together!" "Are you talking about last years Teen Choice Awards?" She asked.

"...and the winner for Best Female Artist goes to," Jake Ryan sung as he reenacted the most anticipated award of the night, "Hannah Montanaaaaaaa!" He pulled me in close, kissing my lips hard. I gave in, wrapping my hands around his waist. "Miley, you look incredible tonight," Jake sighed as he pulled away. After the awards show, Jake found me at the after party when I was talking to Britney Spears and Fergie. He managed to pull me away from talking about a collaboration, and all the way outside with a bottle of wine. He popped the top off as we
walked to the hotel. Paparazzi were too busy trying to get into the after party to notice anyone leaving. We went inside the hotel, and here we were, in his room. I grabbed the wine off the dresser and took a drink. Jake laughed, "no glass?" I shook my head, "nope. I'm not sharing." Jake's laugh grew as he tried swiping the bottle from my hand. "Nice try," I winked, and then stood on the bed, "if you can catch me, you can have some." "You're on, Stewart!" He reached for my leg but I had already jumped off the bed. I ran toward the white leather couch, and climbed over it. I could tell he was playing with me, it wasn't that hard to catch someone in a hotel room. Finally I gave in, passing him the bottle. "Here," I grinned, and he pulled me close to him before taking the bottle. He put the bottle on the nightstand, and began to play with my dress strap, kissing my lips softly. I knew exactly what he wanted, and I wasn't resisting. I pulled his shirt over his head, pushing him on the bed. I shimmied out of my dress, and pulled my wig off. If we were going to do this, I didn't want Hannah to be any part of it. Jake pulled me on top of him, whispering "are you ready?" In my ear. "Yes," I whispered back breathlessly as his fingers trailed down my side.

The next morning, Jake was gone. I laid in bed for a few minutes before recollecting the events of last night in my mind. I sprang out of the bed, scanning the room for my cell phone. One new message. I read on, "Miley, had a great time last night. Sorry I had to leave, had a flight to catch. Hope to do this again soon ;) - JR" I screamed as I threw my phone at the wall. I was so stupid. Of course he would leave without saying goodbye. Of course he would be the only person I ever trusted enough to sleep with, and then leave me. Asshole.

A few months later, I got another text from Jake. He was coming into town and wanted to meet up again. I told him to leave me alone, and the next thing I knew, Lilly was at my house with a magazine weeks later saying that he was engaged to Sara Delaney, an actress from Toronto.

"Yes," I replied to Lilly's question, "and I've changed my mind. I'm going."

//Writers note:: hey guys hope you like this so far. Please leave me your comments and any former Hannah characters you would like to see, or know what's up with them, in my book. Episode 3 will hopefully be up by the end of the weekend.

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