Episode 7: Fan-tastic.

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authors note: I would like to apologize, as I have done for many of these chapters, for how long it has taken me to update. I literally have a folder on my desktop labelled "HM:TCY" and it has all my stories and hard work I have put into writing this entire series. Yet, I haven't worked as hard to publish it all. I appreciate all the nice comments and readers that this story has received and I will try my best to get this first season completed because my plans for this story are so juicy. and its weird to think that I have worked over two years on this and its so sad I haven't finished... so that's the goal here. I appreciate everyone's patience and will try to get episode 8 up soon.. thanks again guys  :)

My phone buzzed as I walked to class. I looked at the screen, the goofy selfie Jake and I took on the plane home from Chicago. It had been two days since he called, a total of 8 days since Jake had taken off to film a role on The Big Bang Theory. They originally wanted him to guest star in one episode, as Bernadette's cousin who is interested in Amy Farrah Fowler, however the test audience loved his character so much and the tension he caused between Sheldon and Amy that the producers decided they wanted him for a total of five episodes. Which means Jake will be away for the next four weeks. Why did my boyfriend have to be such a good actor? I groaned as I swiped to answer the call.


"Miley! You'll never guess what happened today."

"The test audience liked you so much for the second episode, they asked you to be a series regular?" I guessed, biting my tongue in hopes that was not what happened. 

"I wish!" Jake gasped, whether he was oblivious to my sarcasm or ignoring it, he continued, "I'm going to be on Saturday Night Live this weekend. Robert Downey Jr. has the flu."

"That's great," I said enthusiastically, "I mean, great for you. That sucks for Robert."

"Yeah! Do you think you can come to New York with me?"

"Jake," I sighed, "I really wish I could, but I have a term paper due Monday and I have to figure out this whole deal with my Music Theory class.  Austin gave me a failing grade on the unit he subbed for and Professor Gambler won't change it unless Austin and I can come to an agreement."

"Aw, babe, that really sucks. I really wish we would have gone to the dean and reported him for harassment. What a dick."

"Yeah, well I thought I could handle everything until I saw my grade. It's so stupid."

"I wish I was there for support. Do you want me to cancel SNL?"

"No, no. You'll have a great time in New York. This is a big deal for you. But I should get going, class starts in a few minutes."

I could almost feel his smile through the phone. 

"I love you."

"I love you more."

     I shoved my phone into my purse as I headed into Music Theory. I spotted Austin sitting in the very back. There was an empty seat beside him. I made my way over and took it. Austin peered over at me, and I shrugged as I pulled out my laptop. 

"This isn't your usual seat," Austin said as he cleared his throat.

"I know," I nodded, "but I think you and I need to have a little chat. After class, of course, I don't need Gambler giving me a hard time."

"Whatever," he rolled his eyes. It seemed as though Professor Gambler did not like having Austin as a TA anymore after the week he was gone. Usually Austin and him would talk to each other at the beginning of class, and Austin would pay close attention to the way Gambler taught his class. Now, as I peered over Austin's shoulder, I could tell he was more into his Facebook and e-mail than the lecture.

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