Season 1 Episode 3: Jake Give Me A Reason

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//: Writers note: I am so sorry i stopped continuing this story, the past few months have been very busy However I am back - with no promises on how long it will take me to get to the next part. But it will be sooner than last time :) If you have any comments or suggestions on the story please let me know. Also, if youre a fan of the recently cancelled show, The Carrie Diaries, please check out my other project that I will be starting, as well as another novel that I have been working on for years that i have almost completed. Both new projects will be posted soon, as well as the next episode of HM:TCY


     It took Lilly and I ten minutes to walk from our dorm to the sorority house. Each step made it feel like an enternity, a million thoughts racing through my head. Sure, every time Jake was out of the picture, it was easier to pretend I didn't have any feelings for him. But the last time we were together, we had shared something I had wanted to do for years, and only with him. How was it that he could have let me go so easily?

     I took a deep breath as Lilly rang the doorbell. "You look great, Miley," she said to me as we waited. I looked down, my chesnut brown hair curled past my shoulders. I wore a silver tank top that ended just before my belly button, revealing the piercing I had gotten the day we moved. Lilly got a belly button piercing the same day, only after much begging and pleading from me. I paired the tank top with a sequined black skirt, something I had brought to college from my Hannah closet. The outfit went well with a pair of black kitten heels I had borrowed from Lilly, last minute before we left.

     The door opened, and a tall, blue-eyed brunette stood there. With almost identical smiles, I could tell this was Lizzie's sister without a doubt. "Hi, you must be Ashley," I smiled, "We're, uh, friends of Lizzie's." Ashley's face beamed with delight, "Liz didn't tell me she was friends with Hannah Montana! Come in! Both of you, come join us!" Oh crap, I thought to myself, of course she would be a Hannah fan.

     We walked inside, the open foyer looked like Barbie puked Pepto Bismol. Glitter & pink surrounded us. I turned to Lilly, about to mock the place, but something about her face made me stop. "This looks," she paused, facing me, "amazing! Miley we have to pledge!" Ashley giggled behind us, "oh you two would have no trouble becoming Delta Zeta Nu's, you really should pledge." Just then, Lizzie and Jake entered the room. "Ha- Miley, I thought I heard your voice. Thanks for coming!" Lizzie smiled at both Lilly and I. "Liz, I told you no boys to the party unless they're frat pledges," Ashley groaned at her sister. "But it's -Jake-," Lizzie whined, "please?" Ashley rolled her eyes, sighing out a "fine" as she left the room.

     Jake leaned over and whispered into Lizzie's ear. "Oh, alright," her expression the same as her annoyed older sister's just moments before, "Lilly, why don't you come with me and I can introduce you to some of the other Delta's?" Lilly nodded excitedly. "Miley," Jake's voice smoothed, "can I talk to you for a minute?" I shrugged casually as he started walking down the opposite hall. "See you later," I told Lilly before following him.

    "What is it, Jake?" I asked as he opened the door to an empty bedroom and walked inside. I followed him. He shut the door and looked at me for a minute before speaking. "Miley, I miss you." Jake started, his lips curling nervously, "I never should have left you after that night last year. I tried to contact you after that, but I understood why you wouldnt want to talk to me again. After you revealed your Hannah secret I thought maybe you would want to talk about it with me, but you had your Hannah phone disconnected. I am so sorry for what I did to you."

    "Sorry? Sorry?!" I choked, I could feel my face burning, "You have sex with me, then you disappear the next day. I see on the front cover of a magazine that you're engaged a few months later and -now- you're with another girl? What is wrong with you, Jake Ryan? Do you have that much of an ego that you can't be satisfied with everyone's affection so you have to go and fuck with them?" Jake took a step closer. "Seriously, Jake. You take my virginity and leave me alone in a hotel room the next morning, with a stupid text." He took another step towards me. Tears were welling in my eyes, "Why? Why me? Why did you do this to me?"

     "Miley," Jake lowered his voice, "I am so sorry. You deserved so much better than what I put you through. I had to leave early the next morning because my agent told me that they needed a last minute replacement for the new X-Men movie, and I was what they were looking for but I had to be in Toronto as soon as possible. That's where I met Sara, she was in some of my scenes. We were never engaged, that was something the tabloids had made up. Turns out she's already married. We never even dated. She's a really great actress though, we became pretty good friends after filming. It was through Sara that I met Lizzie. I thought Lizzie was as cool as Sara, and we started to hang out a lot. I told Lizzie all my secrets, including that night and how I regretted it. Lizzie kissed me afterward, and when I told her I wasn't interested in her like that, she said that if I wasn't, that she would tell the tabloids about the Teen Choice Awards night. I couldn't let her do that to you, after all you went through letting the world know about Hannah"

     "So, you've been pretending to like her this entire time?" I raised an eyebrow, my brain still processing what he had just said. He nodded, "I tried paying her off, setting her up with other actors, but she still won't let me go without threatening to tell the tabloids."  I crossed my arms, "I can't believe you would tell her." "I thought she was a friend, Miley" Jake touched my arm as he walked another step closer, "I needed some advice on how to win you back and I thought she would have a better answer." A tear fell from my eye. "So, you still have feelings for me?" I asked, looking into his eyes. He wiped the tear off my cheek, "Miley Ray Stewart, I love you. I always have." He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me to his chest. "I have an idea!" I looked up at him, "come with me." I led Jake towards the foyer, where more potential pledges had flood in. Ashley was at the door greeting them.

    I managed to pull Ashley away from the new group of girls she had just greeted. Ashley grinned, the same grin I saw on thousands of fans faces throughout the years of my backstage signings. "Ashley, can we play a game with some of the other potential pledges?" I asked, returning her grin. "Yes, of course! Anything you want Han- Miley." I told her the rules of the game as Jake, Ashley and I walked to the living room, where Lilly, Lizzie and about twenty other girls were. "Who wants to play 'Never Have I Ever?'" Ashley's voiced beamed across the room. Everyone gathered in a mis-shaped circle. "What's going on?" Lilly whispered to me. "You'll see," I flashed a smile to her.

"and who ever has done what the other person has done, has to drink!" Ashley finished explaining the rules, passing out a wine cooler to everyone in the room, "who would like to go first?" I grinned as I raised my hand. "Hannah, oh I'm sorry, I mean Miley, please go first," Ashley nodded toward me. I took a deep breath and raised my wine cooler.

"Never have I ever lost my virginity to Jake Ryan after the Teen Choice Awards!"

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