Chapter Twenty Four

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Iris's P.O.V
It was another day and winter came around and both Harry and I were looking outside as everyone else was making their way to Hogsmeade, "let's go." he said to me, "where are we going?" I asked him, "we're going to Hogsmeade." he said to me, "how? We might get caught." I told him, "I have dad's Invisibility Cloak with me." he said to me before he wrapped it around the both of us and we made our way outside before the twins grabbed ahold of us as Harry and I tried getting out of thor grip before they took us somewhere before we took the cloak off, "bloody hell are you two doing?" I asked them before they gave us something, "what's this rubbish?" Harry asked them, "what's this rubbish he says. That there is the secret to our success." George said to us, "it's a wrench giving it to both of you, believe me."Fred said, "but we've decided your needs are greater than ours." George told us "aww, how sweet of you." I said sarcastically, "George, if you will." Fred said to him, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." he said as he tapped his wand on the parchment before something appeared on it revealing names and the school's name, "Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present the Marauder's Map." Harry read out, "we owe them so much." George said to us, "no kidding." I said to him before Harry opened it before names began to move around the map, "hang on, this is Hogwarts. And that- no is that-" Harry mentioned, "Dumbledore" Fred said, "in his study" George said, "pacing." Fred said, "does that alot." George told us, "so you mean this map shows-" Harry began to say, "everyone." Fred said, "everyone?" Harry and I asked, "everyone," George said, "where they are." Fred said, "what they're doing," George said, "every minute." Fred said, "of every day." George said to us, "Brilliant. Where did you get it?" Harry asked them, "nicked it from Filch's office of course, first year." Fred said to us, "Now listen, there are seven secret passageways out of the castle, we'd recommend this one." George said to us, "the one eyed witch passage way." Fred said, "it'll lead straight into HoneyDukes cellar." George said, "you best hurry, Filch is heading this way." Fred said to us, "oh and Harry, Iris, don't forget when you're done, just give it a tap and say 'Mischief Managed.' otherwise anyone can read it." thy said to us, "let's go then." I said before Harry put the cloak back on the both of us and went the way Fred and George told us to go.

We eventually made it to HoneyDukes Sweet Shop and just as the man was out of sight, both Harry and I made our way out of the Cellar and we managed to make it through the shop, "I'm assuming you want to find Ron and Hermione?" I asked him as we made it outside, "yeah. They might be at the Shrieking Shack though but let's look through the Village first before going there just in case." he said as we walked around but didn't find them before we made our way to the Shrieking Shack before seeing Draco teasing Ron and Hermione, "bloody hell, no matter how many times I tell him, he keeps doing it." I said to Harry before he started making a snowball, "what are you doing?" I asked him, "what does it look like?" he said before throwing it before it hit Draco and I chuckled a little, "who's there?" he asked before I made another before throwing it at them and we threw a couple more before we went over and teased them some more before Draco ran off along with Crabbe and their other friend before Harry and I went over to Ron and Hermione as we made ourselves known, "Harry. Iris." Hermione said before we took the cloak off as the four of us laughed. After a few moments, we managed to calm down before making our way back to the Village as Harry and I told them about the Marauder's map, "those weasels, they never told me about any Marauder's Map." Ron told us, "I don't see why they would, considering they most likely use it for their pranks." I said to him, "Harry and Iris aren't going to keep it, they're going to turn it over to Professor McGonagall, aren't you?" Hermione said to us before Ron spoke up, "oh sure, along with their Invisibility Cloak?" Ron said to her, "like hell we are. I'm not turning that in for the life of me. Whoever made it, is a bloody genius." I said to her, "oh look who it is. It's Madam Rosmerta, Ron fancies her." Hermione said to us and I laughed a little, "Oooo, Ron is in love." I said to them, "that's not true." He said to us before we saw the Minister with Hagrid as he walked up to Madam Rosmerta along with Professor McGonagall as we overheard them talking, "Madam Rosmerta, I hope business is good" The Minister said to her, "it would be better if the Ministry wasn't sending Dementor's into my pub every other night." she said to him, "we have a killer on the loose." the Minister said to her, "Sirius Black in Hogsmeade. And what would bring him here?" she asked them before they whispered something before she repeated it, "Harry and Iris Potter?" she questioned and Harry and I just looked at each other before we covered ourselves in the cloak before we followed them inside.

Harry and I made it to the room they walked into before they started talking about it, "now, tell me what this is about?" Rosmerta said to them, "Well, years ago when the Potter Twins' parents realized they were marked for death, do you remember, they went into hiding? Few knew where they were. The one who did was Sirius Black and he told You-Know-Who." Professor McGonagall said to them, "not only did Black lead You-Know-Who to the Potter's that night but he also killed one of their friends, Peter Pettigrew" the Minister said, "Peter Pettigrew?" Romserta questioned, "yes, a little lump of a boy. Always trailing after Sirius Black" Professor McGonagall said, "yes, I remember him, he never let James and Sirius out of his sight. But what happened to him?" Rosmerta said to them, "Well, Peter Pettigrew tried to warn the Potter's and might have managed to, had he not run into an old friend, Sirius Black." Professor McGonagall said, "Black was vicious, he didn't kill Pettigrew, he destroyed him. A finger, that's all that was left, a finger, nothing else." The Minister said, "oh yes, Sirius Black may not have put his hands to the Potter's but he's the reason they're dead." Professor McGonagall said to the, "and now he wants to finish what he started." the Minister said, "I don't believe it." Rosemerta said, "that's not the worst of it." the Minister mentioned, "what could be worse?" Rosmerta asked, "this, Sirius Black was and remains to this day, Harry and Iris Potter's Godfather." Professor McGonagall said and Harry and I looked at each other before we left the room and rushed out of the pub. Eventually, the both of us made it to a clearing and the both of us just sat there on a rock as the both of us cried a little before Hermione removed the cloak from Harry and I, "Harry, Iris what happened?" she asked us "he was their friend and he betrayed them." I said to her, "HE WAS THEIR FRIEND. I hope he finds me, because when he does, we're going to be ready. When he does, I'm going to kill him." Harry said to them and after a while, the four of us managed to leave and make our way back to the Castle. By the time we made it back to the Castle, I went straight to the Slytherin Common Room as what Harry and I found out played through my mind on repeat and as soon as I walked into the Common Room, I was stopped by Draco as he stood in front of me, "hey, what's wrong? Is everything alright?" he asked me and I was looking for the words on how to tell him as I staggered a little before I started crying before feeling him hug me, "it's ok. It's going to be alright." he said to me and after a while, I managed to calm down and told him everything that Harry and I found out earlier, "I'm sure that's not the worst thing you've heard about." he said to me, "I know but still, he betrayed my parents before they died I mean, how can he do that not just to them but to us." I said to him, "to be honest, I don't know. You never know what's going through a person's head until something like this happens." he said to me and I sighed a little, "I suppose so." I told him and the both of us continued talking about it before spending the rest of the day and night doing homework and hanging out before going to bed for the night.

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