Chapter Forty Two

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Iris’s P.O.V
It was the next day and the first day of classes and I didn’t eat much during breakfast as all I can think about was what’s been going on and what people have been thinking and say about everything as I sat in class next to Draco before I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard Professor Umbridge speak up to everyone, “good morning children. Ordinary Wizarding Level Examinations. O.W.L’s, more commonly known as O.W.L’s. study hard and you will be rewarded, fail to do so and the consequences may be severe. Your previous instructions on this subject have been disturbingly uneven. But you'll be pleased to know from now on you will be following a carefully structured, Ministry approved course of Defencive Magic. Yes” Professor Umbridge said, “there’s nothing in here about using Defensive Spells.” Hermione mentioned, “using Spells? Well I can’t imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom.” Professor Umbridge said, “we’re not going to use Magic?” Ron asked, “you’ll be learning about Defensive Spells in a secure, risk free way.” she told us, “well what use is that if we’re going to be attacked it won’t be risk free.” Harry told her, “students will raise their hands when they speak in my classroom. It is the view of the Ministry that a theoretical knowledge would be sufficient to get you through your examinations which after all is what school is all about.” she said, “how is any of this theoretical?” I asked her, “I suggest you raise your hand before speaking.” she said to me, “Iris is right, how’s theory supposed to prepare us for what’s out there?” Harry asked her, “there is nothing out there dear. Who do you imagine wants to attack children such as the two of you?” She said to us, “oh, I don’t know, maybe Lord Voldemort.” Harry said and the entire room went quiet before Professor Umbrudge spoke up, “now let me make this quite plain, you have been told that a certain Dark Wizard is at large once again, this is a lie.” she said to everyone, “it’s not, we saw him. We fought him.” Harry told her, “detention Mr. Potter.” she said to him, “so according to you, Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord.” Harry said to her, “Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident.” She said to him, “The Ministry is only saying that because they don’t want to face the bloody truth that he’s back and that’s going to end up getting people killed and their blood will be on the Ministry’s hands. So don’t say we didn’t warn you about any of this. So I suggest you, along with the Minister, to open your eyes instead of hiding behind your lies.” I said to her before I packed my things and walked out of the room and went on with my day before Harry walked up to me, “what?” I asked him, “Umbridge gave the both of us detention.” he said to me, “then she can go to hell.” I told him, “Iris stop for a second. You’re not the only one going through this you know.” he said to me and I stopped walking and faced him, “I know that. I know that I’m not alone but at the same time I feel like I am and it’s tiring that we also have to keep telling everyone that we’re telling the truth about Voldemort to the point that I want to give up and stop trying.” I told him before I felt tears slip down my cheeks, “look, I know it’s not easy but we have to keep trying.” h said to me, “why should we? Everyone will just believe the Ministry over us.” I said to him before I made my way to Umbridge’s office.

By the time we got to her office, Harry knocked on the door before we eventually heard her speak up, “come in.” she said and Harry opened the door before she spoke up again, “good evening Mr. and Miss. Potter, sit.” she said to us and we did what she said and sat down, “the both of you are going to be doing some lines for me today Mr. and Miss. Potter'' she said to us and before we could grab our quills, she spoke up again, “no, not with your quills, the both of you will be using a couple of rather special quills of mine.” she said before she handed us the quills, “now, I want the both of you to write ‘I must not tell lies.’” she said to us, “how many times?” I asked her, “Well, let’s say for as long as it takes for the message to sink in.” she said to me, “you haven’t given us any ink.” Harry told her, “you won’t need any ink.” she said to him and Harry and I just looked at each other before we started writing what she told us to write and not long after we started writing, I began to feel a pain in my hand I looked to see what was going on before I noticed what I was writing was appearing on my hand before I noticed the same thing was happening to Harry and we just looked at each other before Umbridge stood in front of us, “yes?” she asked us, “nothing.'' We both said to her, “that’s right because they both know deep down, you both deserve to be punished. Don’t you Mr. and Miss. Potter.” she said to us, “then you should be lucky we can’t do anything to you.” I said to her and she said nothing before having us continue doing lines before she finally dismissed us and the both of us walked out of the room, “I really want to put her six feet under right now.” I said to Harry, “I have no doubt that you’re not the only one.” He said to me, “I know I said I wanted to give up but after what she just did, we have to do something.” I said to him, “what do you think we should do? You said it yourself, no one believes us.” he said to me, “Ron and Hermione do. If they do, we can at least give it a shot although it will take a while.” I told him and after talking about it, I managed to make it back to the Common Room for the night and I just did my own thing and ignored everyone else as I tried doing my work before Draco sat with me, “how are you doing?” he asked me, “Besides detention with Umbridge, bloody hectic.” I said to him, “what happened to your hand?” he asked me, “it’s nothing.” I said as I tried to cover it up, “like hell it isn’t. What happened to your hand?” he asked again and I sighed a little before showing him my hand and the scar that was left behind after detention with Umbridge, “she did this to you?” he asked me and I just nodded, “I can tell my father about this, he’ll do something.” he said to me, “don’t, he’ll probably just ignore it, especially if she works at the Ministry with him.” I told him, “it’s worth a shot.” he said to me and I just sighed knowing that he was going to go on with it anyways, “alright, fine but don’t say I didn’t warn you when he doesn’t do anything.” I told him before we went on with our night and continued to hang out before going to bed for the night and I spent most of the night awake thinking about everything until I finally fell asleep for the night as my mind went over to Draco.

It was another day and I was in the Great Hall with Draco as the weather was starting to get colder now as the both of us talked as we ate before we began to hear something from outside the Great Hall before we went to see what was going on before seeing Professor Umbridge and Professor McGonagall arguing with each other and I walked up next to Harry and stood next to him as the argument continued, “I am marly requesting that when it comes to my students, you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices.” Professor McGonagall said, “so silly of me but it sounds as if you’re questioning my authority in my own classroom, Minerva.” Professor Umbrdge said to her “not at all Dolores, merely your medieval methods.” Professor McGonagall said, “I am sorry dear but to question my practices is to question the Ministry and by extension, the Minister himself. I am a tolerant Woman but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty.” Professor Umbridge said to her, “disloyalty?” Professor McGonagall questioned, “things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared. Cornelius would want to take immediate action.” Professor Umbridge said before walking away, “away, all of you. Get to class.” Professor McGonagall said to us before we did what she said before I went back to Draco, “do you really want to tell your father now?” I asked him, “I see your point.” He said to me before we went back to eating before we went to class. As time went on, Professor Umbrige began to walk around the school asking teacher’s questions and hanging Plaques outside of the Great Hall until one day, something was going on before seeing that Professor Umbridge had done something to Professor Trelawney as the both of them stood in the middle of the courtyard, “16 years I lived and taught here. Hogwarts is my home. You can’t do this.” Professor Trelawney said, “actually, I can” Professor Umbridge said to her, “actually, she can’t. She can fire her but she can’t dismiss Professor Trelawney from school grounds.” I said to Harry, “how do you know this?” He asked me, “It's called research. I read about it after the Hearing.” I said to him before I noticed Professor Trelawney getting upset and both Professor McGonagall and I went up to her and made sure she was alright, “something the both of you would like to say dears?” Professor Umbrdge asked us, “There are several things I would like to say.” Professor McGonagall said to her, “And If I said anything, you’d cry about it to the Minister.” I said to her before the doors opened before everyone got out of the way before seeing that it was Dumbledore as he walked up to us, “Professor McGonagall. Iris, might I ask the both of you to escort Sybill back inside?” He asked us before we did what he asked and made our way back inside before we eventually made it to Professor Trelawney’s room and we made sure she was going to be alright before we left the room, “Professor, can I ask you something.” I said to Professor McGonagall, “yes, what is it dear?” she asked me, “I’ve been thinking of becoming an Animagus and I was wondering if you could help me?” I asked her, “what brought this Idea about dear?” she asked me, “to be honest, I don’t know but I just started thinking about it recently along with a reason but I could never come up with one.” I told her, “are you sure this is something that you want to do?” she asked me and I nodded, “yes Ma’am'' I said to her and she sighed, “alright dear, I will help you to become an Animagus.” she said and I smiled, “thank you Professor.” I said to her before I walked away and went on with my day before going straight to the Common Room and did my homework before Draco sat in front of me, “how are you doing?” he asked me, “I’m alright. I feel bad about Professor Trelawney though.” I said to him, “I’m sure she’s going to be alright.” he said to me, “I hope so.” I said to him and the both of us and the both of us just spent time together before we had gone to bed later that night.

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