Chapter Forty Eight

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Iris’s P.O.V
After realizing what was happening before whatever Voldemort was doing to Harry continued, “Harry.” Dumbldore spoke up, “Harry, fight him.” I said to him not knowing what else to do or say before  Dumbledore spoke up again, “Harry, it isn’t how the three of you are alike. It’s how you are not” Dumbledore said as the pain started back up again for a short while before it stopped again before Harry spoke up, “you’re the weak one and you’ll never know love or friendship.” Harry said to him, “and we feel sorry for you.” I said to him before something happened causing the dust to surround Harry and I before Voldemort appeared in front of us before he spoke up, “you both are fools Harry and Iris Potter and you will lose everything.” He said to us, “That’s where you’re wrong, about everything.” I said to him before we heard something and looked to see that it was the Minister and a few others who had gotten here before the Minister noticed Voldemort just before he left, “he’s back.” was all the Minister said before he walked up to what had happened and just as I tried going to the Minister, someone stopped me, “you let this happen. You didn’t believe anything we said about Voldemort and you let this happen.” I said to him before I bursted into tears, and fell to my knees. After everything that had happened, Dumbldore had taken Harry and I out and we managed to leave the Ministry after getting by everyone who was asking us questions about what had happened and by the time we made it back to the Castle with the other’s and Harry and I were taken to the Hospital Wing and I just sat there as I was trapped in my own thoughts the entire time before I felt someone touch me causing me to jump a little before I saw that it was Hermione, “are you alright?” she asked me, “I don’t know.” I said to her before the other’s walked in as well as they had gotten checked up on as well. After some time had passed, both Harry and I managed to leave the Hospital Wing after they were done checking on us, “are you alright?” I asked him, “I’ll manage. You?” he said to me, “could be better.” I said to him, “I’ll see you later alright.” he said to me, “see you later.” I said to him before I made my way to the Common Room and just as I walked inside, I saw Draco sitting on the couch before he noticed me as well before he got up and rushed over to me before hugging me and I hugged back, “thank god you’re alright. I managed to find out what happened.” he said to me, “I’m ok. I’ll be alright.” I said to him before he kissed me, “don’t ever run off like that again.” he said to me, “no promises.” I said to him before he chuckled a little, “why don’t you get cleaned up. I’ll wait down here.” he said to me and I smiled a little, “alright. I’ll be right back.” I told him before I grabbed some clothes before heading to the bathrooms.

Once I was done in the bathroom and managed to get cleaned up and changed, I went back into the Common Room to see that Draco was still there, “feel any better?” he asked me and I nodded, “a little.” I said to him as I sat down next to him on the couch and he wrapped his arm around me and brought me closer to him, “I’m glad that you’re alright.” he said to me as he kissed the top of my head, “I’m scared. Now that the Ministry finally knows that we were telling the truth, I’m scared of what will happen next.” I told him, “I’m sure you're not the only one, love.” he said to me and the both of us talked for a while longer before the both of us had gotten tired and gone to bed for the night. It was another day and we managed to get our Final Exams over with before the last night of school as I had been spending most of my time with Draco before Harry walked up to me, “Dumbledore wants to talk to us.” he said to me, “I’ll see you later.” I said to Draco before I walked to Dumbledore’s office with Harry and as soon as we walked into the room, Dumbledore had us sit down with him before he started talking, “I know how the both of you feel, Harry and Iris.” He said to us, “no you don’t. It’s our fault.” Harry said to him, “no, the fault is mine. I knew that it was only a matter of time before Voldemort made the connection between the both of you. I thought by distancing myself from you like I’ve done all year, you’d both be less tempted and therefore you both might be more protected.” Dumbledore told us, “the Prophecy said ‘neither one can live while the other one survives.’ which means, two of us are going to have to kill the other in the end.” Harry said to him, “yes.” was all Dumbledore said to us, “wh didn’t you tell us?” I asked him, “for the same reason you tried to save Sirius. The same reason your friends saved you. After all these years, for all that the both of you have suffered, I didn’t want to cause you anymore pain. I care too much about the both of you.” he said to us, “than you have a funny way of showing it.” I said to him and he chuckled a little, well, I won’t keep the both of you here much longer, you two may go.” he said to us before the both of us walked out of the room before we made our way to the Great Hall for dinner along with everyone else before the both of us noticed Luna posting something on the wall before we walked up to her to see if everything was alright, “how come you’re not at the feast?” Harry asked her, “Is everything alright?” I asked her, “everything is alright, I’ve lost all of my possessions. Apparently people have been hiding them.” she told us, “that’s awful” Harry said to her, “It’s all good fun. But as it’s the last night, I really do need them back.” she told us, “do you want any help finding them?” I asked her and she shook her head, “I’m sorry about your Godfather Harry and Iris.” She said to us, “Are you sure you don’t want any help?” Harry asked her, “That's alright. Anyway, my mum always said the things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end. If not always in the way we expect.” she said to us as we noticed her shoes hanging from something and I sighed a little, “well, good luck finding the rest of your things then.” I said to her, “let us know if you need any help.” Harry told her, “I will” Luna said before Harry and I went to the Great Hall and by the time we had gotten there, I went to sit with Draco and the others and managed to eat some of the food that was on my plate.

After dinner was over, I managed to slip away from the crowd before I eventually found myself at the Astronomy Tower and I sat down and began to think about everything that happened as I began to think if everything that Harry and I have gone through is all going to be worth it in the end. After some time had passed, I was brought out of my thoughts when I noticed someone sitting down next to me and saw that it was Draco before I laid my head on his shoulder, “what’s on your mind?” he asked me, “everything. Wondering if it will all be worth it in the end.” I told him, “I know it’s hard but you’ll have me with you.” he said to me as he kissed the top of my head, “your father was there when everything happened.” I told him, “Are you sure?” he asked me and I nodded, “I’m more than sure. He was there with Bellatrix Lestrange and other Death Eaters.” I told him, “I can see if my mother knows anything about this but she might say very little.” He told me, “can we talk about something else? I want to forget about everything for a while.” I told him, “of course.” he said and the both of us ended up talking about something else before we noticed how late it was before the both of us agreed to back to the Common Room for the rest of the night and once we got there, the both of us continued to hang out for a while before we had gone to bed for the night. When the next day came around, I packed my things and made sure that I had everything I had with me before I left the Common Room with Draco as the both of us walked out of the Castle together before I noticed Harry and the other’s as we made our way to the Platform, “I’ll see you on the train alright.” I said to Draco and he nodded before I went over to Harry before he spoke up, “I’ve been thinking about what Dumbledore said to me.” he said to us, “what’s that?” Hermione asked him, “that even though we’ve got ahead of us, we’ve got one thing that Voldemort doesn’t have.” He said to us, “yeah?” Ron spoke up, “something worth fighting for.” Harry said and I smiled a little before we eventually got on the train and I looked for Draco before I found him sitting with Crabbe and Goyal and I went to sit next to Draco before the train eventually started moving and once it did, the four of us talked the entire time and neither of them mentioned what had happened which made me forget it for a while.

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