Chapter 26 - Fall from Grace

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A shadow appeared in the giant John's back as if from nowhere

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A shadow appeared in the giant John's back as if from nowhere. The blade flashed in the sunlight, and Marian felt a cold prickle on the back of her neck.

"Careful!" The bow in her hands bent silently as she pulled back the string. Her arrow whizzed past branch and leaf before it bored unerringly with a dull sound directly into the soldier's hand. A pained scream escaped the man as the weapon slipped from his grasp and landed on the ground with a clang.

The giant wheeled around, now aware of the danger, and his gaze seemed to want to guess where the saving bullet had come from. Only for a brief moment did their eyes meet - and though they spoke not a word, Marian could see quiet gratitude in the man's features. The tension around his lips gave way for a moment, releasing the angular hardness from his face and revealing a brief glimpse of the man beneath. Never had Marian seen an honest smile.

"Get a move on!" it hissed from beside him, and with an approving growl, the man hastily bounded into the undergrowth and disappeared from Marian's sight.

It was a whoosh that made her senses sound the alarm. Instinctively, her body jerked as she turned her head. An arrow shot past her face like a shadow, colliding with the trunk and splintering wood and bark. Her call had obviously given away her position, and the guard's archer had not missed his opportunity to attack her unprepared. Already, he was placing the next arrow, which flew in her direction shortly afterward.

Gasping, Marian drew the air into her lungs, took a step to the side out of reflex to step closer to the protecting trunk, and thus forfeited her surefootedness. Everything happened so fast that her mind stumbled behind: Her boot slipped on the branch, and Marian lost her footing. She toppled backward and fell into the depths.

Marian's eyes snapped open. She still tried to reach for the rope she had used to climb the oak, but within a split second, it was already out of reach, and she grasped at nothing. A shrill cry made its way up her throat and was about to leap over her lips. That's when she hit the first branch, and the force squeezed all the air out of her lungs.

The force of the impact flipped her over in front, while she had the presence of mind to pull her arms in front of her face and more or less tried to protect her head. She plunged a good 4 meters unchecked, and as her body hit the hard forest floor, green and brown blurs blurred together into an overpowering black before her eyes. Nausea and dizziness fought for dominance as her mind trundled after a floating leaf.

It took precious seconds that felt like eternal minutes before she slowly realized what had happened. A rustling sound was beside her as her bow sailed down, clattering with twigs and leaves, and came to rest not far away.

Gasping, she tried to think clearly and catch her breath between the pain and dizziness. The shock caused her lungs to falter, and she could no longer breathe. Panic rose in her, and she fought against the blockage in her chest. Then - finally - a first, gasping breath!

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