Chapter 37 - For the Best

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'How deep are you in Robin's sticky threads already, Marian?' Guy asked himself in a mixture of frustration and anger

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'How deep are you in Robin's sticky threads already, Marian?' Guy asked himself in a mixture of frustration and anger. For many years he had allowed her to do so much that others would never have allowed their future spouse to do. He let her read, go horseback riding, and wear trousers! He even allowed her to shoot with a bow, which should be unthinkable for a female.

"Whoever he may have been in the past," his voice dripped with bitterness at this, "... he is no longer. Robin Hood is a rebel, a birdless criminal, and a conspirator." Guy sought Marian's blue eyes, wishing there just as wistfully for the same understanding Marian sought in his.

But both hoped in vain.

"Good men died today. Do you realize that? They did nothing wrong except to carry out an order. The thought of wanting to help people is laudable," at this, he sat beside her and took both her hands in his. Pleading and imploring, he squeezed them lightly. "Please, don't let Locksley involve you in his suicidal crimes, Marian. Not any more than you already are," he pleaded fervently.

Under his words, Marian's shoulders also grew increasingly heavy.'I didn't want so much blood to be spilled. I didn't want anyone to die at all. It wasn't meant to happen. It just didn't go according to plan.' She would have loved to say it. But Marian knew Guy wouldn't understand."I just want to help people," she whispered softly. It felt as if her whole world was riddled with thorns - and no matter where she turned, every path seemed wrong.

Guy sighed softly, his thumb gently stroking her fluttering pulse."I know that." For that good heart, he had grown to love her as a young lad. Marian always reminded Guy of a fireside in a cold winter. Warming and a light that shone out into the dark forest at night - but sometimes so hot you had to restrain it. Fires could be dangerous if they get out of control. It didn't help if the flames burned too fast and hot until nothing but ashes remained.

"It's dangerous; please understand that. If they find out you have anything to do with this, at best, they will send you back to the monastery and lock you behind thick walls there forever with nothing but God and prayers. The Crown and even the Sheriff are not lenient with rebels," he tried to appeal to her reason. "Even if YOU are. My father is no more simple-minded than I am." Guy searched Marian's eyes for any sign of what he was about to say seeping into that stubborn head.

Then Marian snorted bitterly. "Do you think I don't know why your father likes to turn a blind eye when I do something he doesn't like?" Marian was well aware of why he did that. And Guy knew it too.

The young man screwed up his face, sighed, and raised his hand to brush one of the red curls from the maiden's forehead. It was true: his father tolerated much and looked the other way because Marian was the key for him to get his family a step up the noble ladder. If Guy married her, he would be assured of an earl's inheritance instead of a knight's."But that is not my reason, Marian. But neither I nor your title can constantly save you from the consequences of your actions."

If Marian had not been Lady De Burgh and his betrothed, her fate would already be entirely different. For his father, and he too, would have dragged any other man or woman to the dungeon long ago for what Marian had done, and that, without any evidence.

But she was Marian De Burgh. His Marian. Soon she would be his wife. And so it was his job to protect her. If need be, even from herself. But still, he didn't want to give up hope that he could bring her to her senses.

"I don't even want to know how involved you were in the bloodbath today," Guy said a little more gently, "But it has to stop now. I ensured that silence was maintained about the two horses this time. Nor did I reveal anything to our two fathers." He raised his hand to place his thumb and forefinger against her chin gently. "But I cannot and will not defend you again for this. Do you understand what I am saying?"

"Of course," Marian murmured. She felt like a child getting reprimanded by her father. He thought he knew the best thing for her and held on to it. The best, the best, the best. She was so tired of everyone telling her what was best for her.

"Promise me that you will have nothing more to do with Robin Hood," Guy demanded icily. He could not allow his future wife to become involved with the wrong influence. Especially not Robin Hood. Especially not on Robin Hood. This was a personal thing.

"Guy," Marian gasped.

That she hesitated and struggled so much with an answer that should have been so easy only frustrated him more. Guy clenched one hand tightly into a fist. Locksley had not appreciated the girl then, had abandoned her, and gone off to war. He left everything behind, and now he couldn't return and think he could take it back. Guy would not let Robin get in his way again, put his life in danger, nor let him steal Marian.

"Promise me, Marian," he demanded again, this time more forcefully. His expression was severe, and only when she nodded slowly did his lips lift a little again. He was only doing it for her own good. Surely she would understand that at another time.

On the other hand, Marian knew even then that she would not be able to keep her promise. And she felt terrible about it.

"Good. Please understand that I only want to protect you," Guy said, leaning towards his English rose to place his lips slowly and tenderly on hers. As if to renew his seal on soft, red wax - just to be sure. "I love you, Marian."


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