Chapter 28 - Robbers & Rebels

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Will Scarlet grabbed Robin by the collar of his cape

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Will Scarlet grabbed Robin by the collar of his cape. Marian saw the twitch that went through Robin's body, usually followed by a flying fist and lots of pain. She fully expected him to put the guy in his place. But Robin did nothing of the sort.

"You think you would have been successful, huh? You and your little wench?" sneered Will. "What armor would have protected you? Your yard-thick arrogance and big mouths?"

With an inconspicuous movement of his arm, Robin pushed him back. Not roughly, but savagely enough to show him that he was not to be dealt with in such a manner. "At least we weren't planning to take on a superior number of soldiers! Did you have any plan at all other than to throw yourselves on the road and maybe get run over?" said Robin, his eyes narrowing. "Besides, unlike you, I have already had many successful raids!"

Marians was on the verge of objecting that this haphazard action had also been his modus operandi until a few weeks ago.

Will snorted and folded his arms in front of his chest. "Oh, yeah? Well, we would have heard that!" he sneered and grinned smugly.

"You did, stupid! Who do you think you're dealing with?"

There it was again-Robin's arrogance, which made Marian roll her eyes inwardly with a groan.

There was pure ignorance and wonder in the bandits' eyes, and Robin saw this as an opportunity to make his entrance. A moment ago, he had bared his teeth like a snarling dog; now, he made a sweeping and extremely expansive bow, "The Sheriff of Nottingham is looking for me all over the principality. My wanted poster is on just about every wall of every house."

"You are Robin Hood!" came simultaneously from two mouths.

The tone, however, could not have been more different. There was indeed something like surprise in John's voice. Maybe even a hint of curiosity or admiration for the guy whose name adorned notices here and there and who was now rumored and whispered about. Will, on the other hand, sounded oddly disgusted.

"Unlike you, Robin Hood," Will spat out the name like moldy fruit, "we're not just a fucking nobleman with nothing better to do after the war than play a bit of robber!"

Marian felt the blow like a hard punch in the stomach, though it was not meant for her.

Robin's eyes narrowed, too, and she could see the last mischievousness wiped from his features. "And what, Will, is your even so noble a goal? What do you hope to achieve by outnumbering raids on equipped carriages in daylight with your cute little pitchforks?"

The cauldron was bubbling, and Marian was sure she could already hear the lid rattling alarmingly. But she was unsure whether it was right to interfere here. If it acted up, the pride of two men could start fires. It annoyed her that those they wanted to help devalued their venture and their deeds in such a way. Did they not realize that they were doing this for the people? Were they not aware of what they were both risking for the people? A noble might not be dragged to the gallows as quickly as a peasant. But even the Crown would undoubtedly consider this form of theft as high treason.

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