First day on Barden University - Chapter 1

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This was the first day on Barden University. I was getting realy early there so there wasn't much people. When I got into my dorm room I unpacked my stuff and decorated my room in a star wars theme. I wanted to feel like home because home is where you're save. In high school I wasn't the popularest guy, I was well-known but people didn't like me instead of they bullied me. Because I didn't was normal I don't even know what they meam by normal. Okay maybe I was a little bit weird, or am but what's wrong with that. I like Star Wars, musicals and a capella. And since I had seen the Barden Treblemakers perfome "Do you believe in magic?", I'm into close up magic too. What was wrong with all that stuff? I don't know. On high school there was even a rumor that I'm gay, it's nothing wrong with being gay but it's wrong getting bullied for it. And side note I'm not even gay. I hope I find friends here and become one of the Treblemakers, than I had a place where I belong. When I was just finished hanging up the last Star Wars poster someone walked in. "Oh you must be my roommate Jesse! I'm Benjamin Applebaum but I go by Benji!", I said and shaked his hand welcomely. "And I hope you're kidding.", Jesse said with a sarcastic undertone in his voice when he saw my side of the room. "Oh, now looking at it, it's maybe a little too much.", I said ashamed. "No, no it was a little bit much for my eyes at the beginning but now I can live with it!", Jesse said. He seemed very nice, yes, he seemed not like a bully. I hope we become friends. I showed Jesse a few magic tricks and we talked a little about Star Wars. He said he's a big fan of it too but not so big as me. Jesse loves movies and film music. He told me that's what he want to to with his life making film music, that cause a lot of emotions. I didn't know what to do with my life later I mean I was really into Astrophysics and other science things but idk. Jesse and I decided to go on the campus and have a look about the activities. Suddenly a group of guys sang the song "Whip it" we turned around and I reconigzed than as the Barden Treblemakers. I was a huge fan of them, especially of Bumper Allen since I saw them at Mall of America. I told Jesse about my love for the Treblemakers an A capella. Jesse commented with: "Organised nerd singing, nice." "Can you sing?", I asked him not expecting much. Then he joined the trebles with a line of whip it and it sounded AMAZING. "Wow, Jesse! Didn't expect that you could sing!", I praised him and applaused a little bit. Jesse smiled at me and said that I should introduce myself to the trebles. "Okay everybody relax, it's just a normal day.", I said to Jesse and me. I went straight to Bumper Allen the leader of the Treblemakers. "Hi I'm Benji Applebaum! Huge fan of yours since I saw you life in the Mall of America. Your cover of "Do you believe in magic?" inspired me to start with close up magic!", I showed him a trick where a hamster suddenly comes out of nothing. "Wow. Your weirdness is actually affecting my vocal cord, so I'm gonna need you to scoot!", Bumper said with a disgusting look on his face. I didn't expect Bumper to be that mean, I was really frustrated. "Should I have shown another trick?", I asked Jesse sadly. "No, I don't think it's cause of the trick, maybe it's what you're said. You sounded a little bit creepy, but I think they will forget that when you're auditioning!", Jesse said with a comforting smile. Jesse is a good guy I thought to myself. Tomorrow are the auditions and I hope the Trebles like my singing better than my talking.

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