The first gig

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Daisy took one last look at herself in the mirror, feeling a pang of sadness as she observed her transformed appearance. Her hair, once vibrant with shades of purple, was now a subdued light brown. The spray tan had given her fair skin an unnatural bronze hue. She wore her Barden Bellas uniform with a heavy heart, knowing that her mom would have been proud of her achievement.

The last few days of rehearsal had been chaotic. The Bellas were not the cohesive group they used to be. Daisy felt the weight of expectations bearing down on her, especially with her parents expected to be in the crowd tonight. She couldn't afford to disappoint them, yet she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in her stomach.

As she made her way to the gig venue, Daisy's mind raced with thoughts of the impending performance. Would she be able to live up to the standards set by her predecessors?Despite her doubts and fears, Daisy knew that she had to push forward. The show must go on, as they say. And as she approached the venue, she braced herself for whatever the night might bring.

Daisy greeted her parents at the venue, their eyes widening in amazement at her transformation. "Wow, Daisy, you look just like your mom when I met her," her dad exclaimed, a proud smile spreading across his face.Her mom chimed in, "Finally, you stopped rebelling against your beauty, Daisy. Who would've thought that college is the thing you need to finally dye your hair back from that atrocious purple."Daisy forced a smile, masking her true feelings beneath a facade of gratitude. "Glad you like it," she replied, though inwardly she felt a pang of sadness at the loss of her unique identity.As her mom hugged her tightly, Daisy felt suffocated by the expectations placed upon her. "Well, I have to get to the rest of the Bellas," she said, gently extricating herself from her mom's embrace. "Break a leg."

Benji couldn't shake off the feeling of betrayal as he scanned the venue for any sign of Daisy. Where was she? Did she lie about rejoining the Bellas? The thought gnawed at him, adding to the bitterness he felt. Finally, the Bellas took the stage, but Benji's heart sank as he still couldn't spot Daisy among them.

With a resigned sigh, Benji decided to drown his sorrows in a strong drink. "I'm getting us something to drink, something strong," he muttered to Jesse, who nodded in understanding. As he turned away from the stage, the familiar sound of Daisy's voice stopped him in his tracks. "Turn the Beat Around" filled the air, and Benji's eyes widened in surprise.

There she was, Daisy, but she looked different—her hair, her skin. She was still stunning, like an angel, but the transformation was undeniable. Could it be true? Had she really changed her appearance after their breakup? The cliché of girls undergoing drastic makeovers post-breakup suddenly seemed more plausible to Benji.

The chaos unfolded before Benji's eyes, the once-harmonious performance devolving into a cacophony of missteps and discord. Daisy's voice, still angelic, was drowned out by the disarray surrounding her.

Then, the unthinkable happened—the guy who hired the Bellas for the gig interrupted the performance, his frustration evident. "Stop it," he barked at Aubrey. "I'm not gonna pay for this. I wanted the hot Bellas, not whatever circus this is."Benji seethed with anger as the man singled out Daisy. "My girl can stay, but the rest of you leave," he declared, pointing directly at her. The words hit Benji like a punch to the gut. Did this guy really just call Daisy his girl? The pieces started to fall into place in Benji's mind. Daisy was a liar and a cheater, and this guy was likely the reason for it all. Finally, everything made sense.

The Bellas hurriedly left, Daisy with them. Aubrey's anger was palpable as she scolded them, reminding them of how embarrassing the situation was. Chloe broke down in tears, and the rest of the Bellas gathered around to comfort her.

Benji hurriedly followed the Bellas as they made their way out of the venue. His mind was racing with a mix of anger and hurt, and he was determined to confront Daisy. He wanted to demand an apology for her lies and deceit, to tell her exactly what he thought of her now.

As he caught up to the group, Benji's steps faltered for a moment. Daisy looked so different from the girl he had known, yet still as captivating as ever. Despite his anger, he couldn't deny the pang of longing he felt deep within him.

"Daisy!" Benji called out, his voice laced with frustration. When she turned to face him, he could see the surprise and apprehension in her eyes.

"Daisy, we need to talk," Benji said firmly, his tone brooking no argument. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for the confrontation that was about to unfold.

Benji stood frozen, his heart sinking at the realization of what was unfolding before him. Daisy's parents appeared out of nowhere, their expressions a mix of anger and disappointment. He couldn't believe what he was hearing—Daisy's own parents accusing her of having a boyfriend and delivering a terrible performance.

"Mom, Dad, please trust me!" Daisy pleaded, her voice quivering with emotion. "I don't have a boyfriend, I don't even know that guy. You can ask the other Bellas, they'll tell you."

Her parents exchanged a glance, still clearly skeptical. "Daisy, we're so disappointed in you," her mom said, her voice trembling with emotion. "You had our trust and promised no boys. And why was that guy calling you his girl?"

"I don't know, Mom, he's just a jerk," Daisy replied, tears welling up in her eyes. "You know I keep my promises. I tried my best with the performance today, but Chloe had knots in her throat and the other girls are all new."

Her dad crossed his arms, his expression stern. "Fine, about the performance. But where were you on the nights you didn't sleep at your dorm?" he demanded.

Benji's mind raced as he processed the exchange between Daisy and her parents. So, the nights she didn't sleep at her dorm must have been the nights she was at his place. He felt a pang of guilt and responsibility for putting Daisy in this situation.

As Daisy faced her parents' scrutiny, she felt a surge of panic rising within her. She knew she had to come up with an explanation, and fast. "Dad, Mom, please listen," she began, her voice shaking slightly. "As I told you, my friend Becca is dating this guy, and she accidentally took my jacket instead of hers. And my phone was in her jacket."

Her dad's eyebrows shot up incredulously. "Aha, and this happens twice?" he retorted skeptically.

Daisy felt the weight of her parents' disappointment bearing down on her. "I know, Dad, it sounds unbelievable, but it's the truth," she insisted, her voice pleading. "Please, you have to trust me. I wouldn't lie to you."

Her mom sighed heavily, her expression softening slightly. "Fine, I'll trust you this time, Daisy," she said reluctantly, though the doubt still lingered in her eyes. "But if anything catches our attention again, you'll have to leave college and get married sooner."

Daisy's heart sank at her mom's words. She knew she had narrowly escaped a major consequence, but the threat of her parents' ultimatum still loomed over her. She couldn't afford to make any more mistakes.

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