chapter 13

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Chapter 13:Benji's POV:As I walked back to my dorm room, my mind was in turmoil. On one hand, I was elated that Daisy had agreed to be my girlfriend. It was a dream come true, something I had imagined countless times. But on the other hand, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over me.What was up with Daisy? Why did she suddenly bolt from her dorm room, leaving me standing there with more questions than answers? This wasn't the first time she had abruptly ended our time together to check her phone, and each time, she seemed nervous and on edge. Did she have a boyfriend back home? Was there something else going on that she wasn't telling me?Lost in my thoughts, I arrived at my dorm room to find Jesse waiting for me. His teasing nickname for me brought me back to reality, and I forced a weak smile. "Hey, Jesse," I greeted, trying to sound casual despite the storm raging inside me.Jesse immediately picked up on my subdued mood and raised an eyebrow in concern. "Is everything okay with Juliette?" he asked, using his playful nickname for Daisy.I sighed heavily, sinking onto my bed as I prepared to unload the weight of my worries onto Jesse. "Not really, man," I admitted, running a hand through my hair. "It's a long story."So I explained everything to Jesse, from Daisy getting kicked out of the Bellas because of me to the whirlwind of emotions that followed our conversation about becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. As I spoke, Jesse listened intently, his expression a mix of sympathy and understanding.When I finished, Jesse sat back, processing everything I had told him. "Wow, that's a lot to take in," he said, his voice tinged with empathy. "But you know what, Benji? I think you should trust Daisy. She obviously cares about you, and there's probably a good reason behind her actions. Maybe she just needs some time to sort things out."I nodded, grateful for Jesse's words of wisdom. He always had a way of putting things into perspective, and his reassurance gave me a glimmer of hope that everything would work out in the end."Yeah, you're right," I agreed, feeling a sense of determination wash over me. "I'll give Daisy the space she needs and be there for her when she's ready to talk. Thanks, Jesse."Jesse flashed me a reassuring smile before returning to his own thoughts. As I lay back on my bed, the events of the day swirling around in my mind, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning of the rollercoaster ride that was my relationship with Daisy. But one thing was for sure: I was willing to ride it out, no matter where it took us.

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