happy belated birthday!

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this chapter contains smut!

today was my 17th birthday, but to my surprise i wake up to henry's watch beeping, i shake him to wake him up.

"what's up ray" he says, morning voice and messy hair

"i need you and willow down here, now." he sounds worried

henry pulls me out of bed.

"get ready quick, i'll meet you downstairs"

i put on a white cropped tee and my favourite jeans⬇️

i put on a white cropped tee and my favourite jeans⬇️

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i rush downstairs and see ray, henry and charlotte.

"what's up dad?"

"since it's your birthdayyyyy" he shakes me excitedly "I GOT YOU A PUPPY"

my mouth drops open as the cutest dog EVER comes running in!!

my mouth drops open as the cutest dog EVER comes running in!!

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"well what is his name?!" jasper asks

"hmm.. Arlo!" i say with a smile

"willow, i also got you something" henry says with his hands behind his back.

i smile as he hands me a small box.

i open it and see a note

'i promise to love you forever- H'

underneath the note, the most beautiful ring i have ever seen.

underneath the note, the most beautiful ring i have ever seen

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my father's sidekick..(henry hart x fem oc)Where stories live. Discover now