our final moments

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"Now it's just me and a hundred square feet of bittersweet memories" -Reneé Rapp.

When we wake up, we clean up the mess "Clemensia" made last night, we've done a background check, her name is Ivette, she's currently working/fucking Rick Twitler, she's been tracing us for a while now and I guess this was her way of telling us she's got us in her grasp, she's right, she does. We've been preparing for a fight all day, going over plans, getting everything ready.

We stop training when my phone rings, Jasper. I cautiously lift the phone to me ear, expecting a voice that's not his.

And i'm right.

"Hey, I left something at your boyfriends house, Willow Manchester." The voice belongs to Ivette.

I grab henry by the wrist, head for the tubes and pray nobody's dead on henry's front porch.


When we make it to Henrys, nobody seems to be dead.

"Hey Hen, Jasper is waiting upstairs for you." Piper says as we frantically look around the house,

My heart drops.
I close my eyes.
I say a small prayer to whoever.
And I make my way up to Henry's room.

My legs shake as i walk up the stairs, Henrys oblivious, I think he's asking me something, everything is fucking fuzzy and my ears are ringing and I can hear my own heartbeat. I straighten up, regain my balance, have henry stay downstairs in case she comes back and begin to walk down the hall.

Ive reached the door.
Everything's blurry.
I take a deep breath.
Everything's blurry.
I close my eyes.
Everything's blurry.
I reach for the door handle.
Everything's almost completely blurred.
I push down on the handle.
The door swings open.
Everything's crystal clear.

Before me, lies Jasper, a large slit in his throat, blood soaked clothes, sheet white skin, dead. Then everything's blurry, i'm running to him, i'm trying to save him, i'm crying, he's freezing cold, I know he's dead, I sob, I get angry, but what I am aware of, is I will not let Henry Hart see his best friend dead. I sit for a while, mulling in the grief and terror, then I leave Henrys room, binding the door shut with magic as I leave. I walk downstairs, the image of him dead still engraved in my mind, I trace blood down the stairs, my face is neutral, i'm numb.

Everything is fucking blurry.

Henry cries, tries to go in his room, he cant get in, he sobs, screams, gets furious, and I just fucking stand there, limbs unwilling to move, Henry eventually goes numb too, Piper takes us home, strips me of my blood soaked clothes and gets me warm and cozy in bed. I lay there for a while, Henry holding me, after a while, i'm not numb anymore, I cant lay here warm and cozy whilst Jasper is cold an dead on his best friends floor.

Cold and dead.

Memories with him replay in a loop through my head, I cry so much I choke, Henry doesn't move, he starts to look dead too. Suddenly, i'm not sad, i'm angry, then i'm telling Henry my plan, then we're tracing Ivette Kemps location, then we're on our way there.


I don't talk to her when we arrive, I just start to beat her, Henry goes for rick.

She swings for my face, misses, so I decide to play dirty, I use my powers, she uses powers i was unaware of, Henry yells something, Rick stabs him, he's bleeding out, just as I turn to him, he tries to warn me of something, i'm not quick enough to react though.

Because now my life is replaying before me as I bleed out and die on Ivette Kemps kitchen floor.

Meeting Henry.
Getting my powers.
All my dates with Henry.
My dog, Arlo, waiting at my door for me to come home.
Girls night with Char and Piper.
Seeing jasper dead.
The numbness.
Being angry.
Coming here.
Henry being stabbed.
Seeing him die as I hit the floor.

AN: Goodbye, Willow Manchester. ANYWAY... I WAS GOING TO DRAG OUT THE FIGHT BUT i decided not too as honestly, it would've been so boring, willow and henry ARE very much alive in my dr BTW!! so don't worry they just needed to die so i could end this story once and for all. Ill love those two forever but its time to move on to different things, Ivette and Rick, Belle and Henry, Katniss and Claudia, so whilst ill miss them, there's still more stories coming from me x IM SORRY XXXXX

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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