why did you do that?

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hiii, i'd just like to start by saying this is a deeply personal chapter that has literally just came to me during a ptsd nightmare, don't feel obligated to read, this is in the perspective of willow but it is very personal, i might add to this so if you like it keep checking back 🤍 tw: sa

willows pov

sometimes i imagine plunging an arrow through his heart, he hurt me so badly i don't think i'd feel an inch of remorse or guilt, i mean for fucks sake he took advantage of me and sexually assaulted me twice.

the boy left at my lowest, he left me as good as dead, barley clinging to the little life i had left, he used me, he scarred me.

i doubt he even feels guilty.

i still have nightmares, sometimes i convince myself i'm being dramatic but then i remember his rough hands on my bruised, scarred skin.

i remember him touching me, i remember screaming, i remember wincing in pain, i remember waking up to him touching me.

i didn't ask for this, i was fourteen.

he used to make me think it was my fault, that i lead him on in some way, he used to be nice to me and then he just changed

something in him broke and he took it out on me, or maybe he was always that way.

when i have nightmares, he's there, when i have dreams, he's there.

he won't let me live

just yesterday he walked past me and laughed to his friends, i wonder how he sleeps at night.

now i have henry the flashbacks are a little easier, not always though.

i think if i did shoot him, it wouldn't make the nightmares go away, he'd still haunt me.

my dad doesn't know, i don't think i'll ever tell him

how am i supposed to live like this?

my father's sidekick..(henry hart x fem oc)Where stories live. Discover now