so you wanna play with magic?

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"holy shit." i say

drex stands before us.

i immediately start firing magic at him, torturing him and crushing his bones.

he seems to be in agony, a small smirk grows
on my face as i proceed to torture him.

i pin him to the ground, my magic flowing through my veins and wrapping around his body.

he lets out screams of terror and agony.

"you should've stayed dead." i look him dead in the eyes before knocking him unconscious and dragging him to jail.


"how was he standing right in front of us? we watched you rip his heart out." henry exclaims, we're sat eating nachos.

"dunno honestly, but he's gone for good now." i reply

"yeah, willows right." ray says.

i pull out my car keys and tell henry to follow me.

"where are we going" he says, jumping in the car.

"to the beach." i smirk and pull out a joint.

he smiles at me and i drive to the beach.

this isn't the first time we have done weed.

as we smoke on the beach, still suited up, henry drags me to the car.

he takes off his suit and mine too, since i got off birth control we've been using condoms but we didn't have one.

i'm pretty sure i'm too high to care though.


about 3 weeks later..

charlotte hands me the test and i sigh nervously.

after a bout 3 minutes of waiting, i turn the test over.

+ positive 2-3 weeks +

"shit." charlotte says, we exchange a nervous glance.

"i'm getting an abortion."

"are you sure" i freeze as i hear his raspy voice come from behind charlotte.

he stands there blankly, his eyes filled with tears and his hands shaking.

the tension could kill.



me and hen talked, we decided an abortion was best, im only 17 and not ready for kids.

after the procedure i lay on his couch with him.

"hey willow, how goes it?" piper asks, plopping down on the couch.

"i'm ok, how are you?" i smile at her.

"i'm good, henry your boss is on the phone."

+ henry's pov +

"yes ray?" i say.

"where's willow?"

"right next to me."

i hand her the phone.

willows pov: 

after a long conversation with my dad i head home, whilst sat on the couch i play with my powers, lifting things and moving things has to be my favourite.

"suit up, henry's on the way" dad says whilst walking out the sprocket.

"kay!" i blow a bubble and grab my bow.

even though i have powers now, i still bring my bow, i like to reassure myself i can fight without powers.

schwoz added a new touch to my suit, when i blow a bubble my arrows are already on my back, it saves time.

henry walks in through the elevator "what's up?" he's chewing his gum.

"drex escaped." my head whips around quickly to look at ray.

"what do you mean he escaped?!"

"you know as much as i do, he's in swellview park right now."


when we arrive, i see drex, dr. Minyak and rick twitler all stood together.

"willow you take minyak, henry take twitler and i'll take drex." ray says.

i make my way towards minyak and aim my arrow at his shoulder, my fingers let go of the arrow and it lands in his shoulder, he lets out a scream and i feel something grab me from behind.

drex holds me in a headlock and i push a surge of magic towards him, he goes flying backwards and hits his head on the edge of a table.

where are henry and ray?

i begin to fight off rick twitler, only using my powers now.

i hit him with a bolt of magic and lift him off the ground with one hand, fighting minyak with the other.

i launch them both and search for henry and ray.

they come running back into the park and help me drag all three to prison, one with very high security.

my father's sidekick..(henry hart x fem oc)Where stories live. Discover now