Chapter Forty

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Hana's house looked like a college stud's dorm room. But with books smattered here and there. They sat in the living room on relatively old couches. Hana switched off the muted TV and didn't offer his guests any refreshments.

"Mr. Hana, let's start with why you left," Kareem said.

"Let's see, why did I leave? I left because I couldn't stand to lose students on my watch."

"But don't you think what you did abandon them?"

"I asked myself that question a lot of times. And the answer was no."


Hana sipped his bourbon. "Me being there was the reason for the murders."

Kareem frowned. "What do you mean?"

He belched. "It happened because I wouldn't leave. I was forced out of the school by those murders."

"You mean Carmen Belafonte killed Winston and Lucas to force you to resign?"

"Yeah," Mr. Hana said.


"Ridiculous? Is that what you were going to say?"

"Why are you silent? Why are you cooped up all the way here?"

"Because I don't have evidence. 'Your Honor, this person is responsible for the murders and the grotesque mutilation and decoration of two innocent black boys. What? Evidence? I don't have nothin' yet, Your Honor, and I don't think I'll ever be able to get it'. "

"Why do you say Carmen did what you think she did exactly?"

"It's not a thought. I know she did. Three months before those murders, I'd informed her for the fifth time that I wouldn't transfer and she threatened me saying that she would make me leave and make sure I won't work again."

"That's vague, even though the timing is interesting."

"It's not vague at all. She knew exactly what she was doing. She sent me a letter, taunting me and giving me a deadline of three weeks to submit my resignation. Or else the blood will be on my hands. I didn't know what it meant at first."

"Do you have the letter?"

"I have it. God, I don't think I can even touch it anymore." He went to a room and returned with an envelope and handed it to Kareem.

The envelope read: For Peter Hana's Eyes Only. And inside it was written exactly what Mr. Hana told them.

Mr. Hana started pacing around the living room nervously as if seeing the letter again made him snap. "That wench. She's a wench. Oh, she's a cunning, murderous wench. She knew I couldn't do a thing about it."

"Didn't you do anything at all?" Kareem said.

"I did everything I could. I went to the school board. They thought I was making abnormal excuses for my sudden shortcomings. When I went to the police, however, they actually checked out Carmen who was then in the process of being appointed as the principal. But she somehow came out clean. The town council thought I was just crazy."

Kareem remained silent for a long moment in deep thought. Then he said, "So that's it?"

"What do you mean?"

"It's Carmen Belafonte?"

"Yeah, it is her."

"So she's simply just hanging around as if nothing happened?"


"That's fucked up, pardon my French." Kareem sighed and scanned the cluttered room. "I guess, now I know why you're living like this. It must be eating you alive."

Hana said nothing.

"Mr. Hana, you said the police checked her out. They found nothing?"

"She was in Kansas when Winston went missing and turned up dead, and she was at a dinner party the night Lucas went missing."

Kareem stared at Hana. "What if she had someone to help her? What if she purposely planted herself in those settings as alibis?"

The room went quiet.

Hana's eyes widened. "Shit, I didn't think about it that way. You mean to say someone like Walker?"

Kareem nodded. "Yesterday, I just saw them having an argument in the parking lot."

"God, I hate that guy. I always have. I think you might be on to something. It would make sense that they are working together. Those two have been friends since they were kids. They both went to Solace High. Sean has a history in Solace. His great great great grandfather founded that town. And he was a giant asshole."

"I know the story," Kareem said.

Hana bit his lip. "But there's one problem. I read that Walker was at school during the time Lucas and Winston were assumed to be kidnapped."

"You're forgetting Annie," Kareem replied.

"His step-sister, of course!" Hana said. "You're good, kid. Oh, you are good! Now it's all beginning to make sense."

Kareem said nothing.

"In her statement, Annie was at home both times."

"You mean the lodge?"

"Yeah. A lodge where there are no security cameras. And when Annie told the police that she was at home that doesn't have cameras and located way out of town in the boondocks, the police believed her. Because Walker is a respected man in the community. When in fact, Annie was the one who must've kidnapped him and Winston. But she had Walker's reputation to fall back on. And also, Walker was best pals with one of the victims, Lucas. Why would Walker kill an innocent boy he seemingly cared deeply for?"

Kareem's phone suddenly rang. It was TJ.

"TJ, what's up?" he answered.

"Bro just wanted to let you know that we snuck into the property of the hunting lodge and we are up on the hill because we saw a grey Audi drive up. It was a tall white, blonde woman in a dress shirt and long pants. That girl named Annie opened the door for her and welcomed her inside. Does that mean anything to you?"

Kareem slowly turned to Jane, and then he glanced at Mr. Hana. "Yes, it does. Tell me everything."

"Sure, I'll..." TJ's voice suddenly faded and the line went dead.

"Hello?" Kareem called. "TJ are you there?"

"What happened?" Jane asked.

"I don't know." Kareem redialed the number but it was engaged.

Three minutes later, Kareem's phone rang again.

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