02 | Airship

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Crowds of bypassers and travelers filled the gallery, murmurs about vampirekind and human history filling the air.

"I can swear that they're back, I tell you," some said.
"Weren't they exterminated in the war between vampires and humans?" another replied.

"Seems those abominations are back to exact their revenge on us," one muttered with distaste.
"I'm sure the Church's Chasseurs are already on it," a few others dismissed nonchalantly.

The familiar sight had the [h/c] haired woman holding in a detestable laugh. Back? They were never gone in the first place, you simpletons.

Across the crowded gallery, she spotted the vampire again. Oh. Him.
She made his way to him, making sure to remain composed and make no mention of the previous incident. 
Hopefully, the poison inflicted didn't affect him much and wore off overnight.

Instead of her making the first move, he did, his purple irises that once held curiosity were careful and fearful.
It was similar to the emotion they held when the accident of her misuse of ability was presented to him.

He can't have remembered anything...right? It's impossible.

"Quite an odd announcement, wouldn't you agree, mademoiselle?" he asked, the gentleness in his tone still present, breaking all thoughts and bringing the woman back to the present situation.
"Yes, quite odd," she replied, burying the nervousness she felt.

"I wonder just why these people would be alarmed by vampires, though," she muttered.
"You don't resent them?" Noé said, a slightly surprised look present on his face.

"The way I see it, humans and vampires are far more alike than they set themselves to be. Both are selfish and violent life," the woman replied with no emotion. "They are kind but revolting creations. I don't particularly resent either, but I will say humanity is somewhat indignant."

"You speak as if you weren't human," Noé stated, taking note of Y/N's words.
"I would rather not associate with such a term. My...kin, to put it simply, is a confusing one," she replied, letting an awkward laugh slip through her lips.

"So you're not a vampire either?" the man pressed, curious about the woman's nature.
"I wouldn't know how to answer that myself and I'd rather not talk about that subject. We are in the midst of a crowd, you know," she replied.

"Ah, you're right. Here wouldn't be an appropriate place to chat about such a theme. Forgive me for intruding upon the topic, mademoiselle," he apologized, a small smile forming on his lips.

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