Martial Law x Germany (🇸🇽 x 🇩🇪)

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Type of one shot:(fluff???)

Ship:Martial x Germany

Note:this is my first time making this so please don't hate me... And sorry if it's sucks....

Germany's POV:
I was in my office doing some paperwork which I was given by  Mr. EU until I heard a knock on my office door.

"Yes, Come in... " I said tiredly (is this right?) As the door opened I look up and see Martial,my lover carrying a tray of hot tea and some snacks.

"Ger! I got some hot tea and snacks for you!"he said as he set them on the coffee table

" Thanks martial... But.... I have to finish my paper work first..."I said as he turn his head around to look at me

"Germany.... You should take a break... You have been working all day.. Y'know..?" He said and I sigh

"I know....but still I need to finish and give them to mr. Eu" I said as martial walks towards my desk and stands besides me looking down at the paperwork's I was working on

"You have plenty of time to finish that after we have tea and snacks! So come on! "He said pulling me towards the coffee table and ordered me to sit down on the couch

" but... Mar-"

"No buts... Germany" he said as he pour the tea into the tea cup and give's it to me, I sigh and take's it from his hand

"Thanks.. " I said and he softly smiled at me (cringe I know....)before pouring the tea into his tea cup and went to sit down besides me.

I sip the tea and it was really good.... I mean it is good but I get the feeling this tea is different,usually when my maids make the tea the taste well.... Is only 65% good but this tea... Is 100%....good,wonder who made it?

I turn my head around and look at my lover who was taking a bite from a cookie until he noticed my gaze  towards him and turn around to look at me

"Something wrong Gerger?" He ask

"Well I was wondering ....who made the tea?" I ask as he sweat dropped while blushing a little bit

"W-well the m-maids o-of c-course! W-who else would be? " he said nervous but I don't believe him

"Are you sure cause.... This tea is actually really good... And the maids is actually not that good to make this kind of tea.. " I said as he sweat drop even more"uhh... Well"I set my tea cup down and pulled him closer to me  while lifting his chin up with my thumb

"Be honest with me Martial.... Who actually made it?..... Was it you? Or the maids... " I ask him as he blushes even more until his mouth started to move

"I-i..... "He pause for moment before continuing" i-im th-the o-one w-who m-made i-it... "He said as I smirk  a little bit

" knew it... But I'm really surprised that you can actually make tea"I said  as he look away still blushing, I chuckled before kissing him on the cheek

"Never knew my beautiful little devil can make a really good tea" I said as he blushes burying his face in my chest

"Bobo...." He said as I laugh , gosh....! He is to cute! I even remember how we met and let's just say phil introduced him to me cause he and Poland are friends

I start to remembering the times we did together before we became lover's, oh that day was really great!
As I keep remembering that day I felt something on my cheek and it kinda.... Hurts.
I snapped out of my thoughts and saw martial pinching my right cheek, I grab his hand and he was startled by it

"Stop pinching my cheek martial... It kinda hurts you know" I said

"Well I couldn't have done that if you weren't zoning out! " he said as I chuckled and kiss his forehead

"Sorry.... I was just remembering something" I said as he title his head

"Remembering what...? " he ask as I pulled him closer to me and hug him putting my right hand on his back and putting my left one around his waist while I rest my chin on top of his head smelling the fragrant shampoo he used.

"The things we do together before we became lovers that's all" I said as martial stayed still for a moment before pressing himself closer to my body and resting his head on my chest smiling softly

"I see.... " he said as he listens to my heart beat before dozing off to sleep.

We stayed like that for about 2 hours, holding each other like we never want to let go, until I realized I need to go back and finished my paper work, I poke martial's Cheek and told him to wake up but he didn't... He just keep gripping on my shirt never letting it go.

I sigh as I got up carrying my lover bridal style and walk out of my office to my bedroom.

Once we arrived I settle him down on the bed before pulling the covers over his shoulder and kiss him on the cheek and forehead as I walk out and close the door and went back to my office and start to finish the paper work I just left.

*3 hours later*

Narrator's pov:
3 hours later Germany finally finished his paperwork so he decided to take a rest after all that, he went to there bedroom and open the door seeing his lover still asleep.

He smiled at the sight and went towards their bed and got under the covers, pulling martial closer to him and hugging him before falling asleep.

-The End

Well that's all my beautiful jewels!
Hope you enjoy the chapter!
And one's again sorry if it sucks....
Took me 1 day to finish it but... It was worth it.

See you guys on the next chapter!
Comment the ship that you ship with martial so I can make it! And you can also comment what kind of AU you want to go with the story! So... That's all!
Don't forget to please follow, vote and share this with a friend!

Author out!

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