just some info...

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Okay so....this is just some info about martial and his boyfriend/husband's kids

I will just tell you guys about there kids every ship

First:Russia x Martial Family

Russial, martial and Russia's son and first child

His flag is mix of a Russian and Philippines (war) flag,his flag looks like Russia's flag but with a white triangle on the other side of his face like martial's flag

He is good at martial arts cause martial train him too.
So you better be careful around him

His personality is mostly like his mother/father martial when his like outside of the house and when inside.... He is mostly like his other father Russia

The things he loves to do is read, sleep, train and looking over/protecting his younger siblings

The things he hate is when one of his family members got hurt or missing

His hobbies is drawing and singing

Arsial, martial and Russia's son and second child

He has the same info and personality as Russial but more behaved

Usually he is very silent but when you ask him a question he will immediately answer and went back being silent

He will also went back being silent after receiving an answer when he ask you a question

He is the only family member is very silent well only a little below Russial cause he can also be silent

Arsial also sometimes is ike a ghost, why?, well.... He will sometimes sneak up on you without making any sound which sound a little creepy and it will also give you a heart attack

Marsia,Martial and Russia's daughter and third child

Her flag is like martial's flag but the color of a Russian, the top of her flag is white and the bottom is blue,the triangle of the side of her face is red and the sun..? Well it's still the same but a little cyanish as well the stars at each corner of the triangle

Her personality is like her father Russia and yes... She can be a little alcoholic... Whenever she goes to a party

The things she loves to do is training and fighting, she is also good at martial arts but not as good as her older brother Russial

Her hobbies is just singing

Third:Ritial, martial and Russia's son, third child and Marsia's twin

His flag is like marsia's but a little different, the top of his flag is red and bottom is white the triangle on the side of his face is blue and the sun and stars are yellow

His personality is the opposite of marsia's personality

The things he loves to to do is the same as marsia

His hobbies is well.... Drawing

Ria, martial and Russia's daughter and fourth child

Her flag is like Russia's but the color of the Philippines war flag

Her top flag is red, the middle is blue and the bottom is white

She has a yellow sun on the top corner of her flag and some stars as well

Her personality is not like her parents but hidden personality actually

She is nice, sweet,kind and gentle

The things she loves is to be with her family.

The things she hates is to be separated from her family and hurtful words

Her hobbies is dancing and singing

She is also really sensitive... So be careful whenever you are doing cause her family will kill you especially her twin brother marruss.

Marruss, martial and Russia's son, Ria's twin and last child

His flag is the same as his sister but the blue and red are switch!
He also has a yellow sun on the top corner of his flag and of course.... Stars as well.

His personality is the same as ria, well..... Almost the same
Cause when you make his twin sister cry ,his personality change into his parents personality whenever there mad and he will also kill you,so don't Ever make his sister cry!

The things he loves is the same as his sister and hate

His hobbies is singing (sometimes when he is alone)

Okay that's all my jewels! Comment which ship child I should do next!
And also which ship I should make
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Bye beautiful jewels! Have a great day/evening/night!

Author out!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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