Martial Law x Russia (🇸🇽 x 🇷🇺)

257 6 4

Type of one-shot:(???)
AU:Family, Married

Note:one's again.... Sorry if it sucks....

Martial's pov:

I woke up at the sound of my phone, Alarming me to get up so I did, I sat for a moment and look at my left side to see Russia/Ruski my husband still fast asleep, I smiled softly at his sleeping face and kiss him on the cheek before going to the kitchen to cook breakfast.

As I was cooking I felt two big strong arms wrap around my waist and I know who

"Morning Ruski dear" I said still focusing on my not-cook pancake as I flip the frying pan

"Hm.... Morning hun" Ruski said kissing my cheek as I giggle

Then we heard someone coming down stairs, we turn around and it was just Russial our oldest child who just yawned and turn to look at us

"Morning Mom.... And Dad... " Russial said as he rub his eyes

"Morning honey... Go and take a bath... Breakfast will be ready soon" I said as Russial nodded and goes to the bathroom.

Soon after that Arsial our second oldest child came down while rubbing his eyes

"Morning son did you have a good night sleep? " Ruski ask while walking towards him patting his head

"Ehm..... Yes Father and good morning... " Arsial said yawning

"Arsial honey... Why don't you go and wake up your little brother's and sisters? " I said and Arsial nodded climbing back up stairs

*time skip*

After all of our kids have taken a bath and eaten, I help them pack there stuff and there lunch before ruski drive them to school

While I.... Just here cleaning the house/mansion before going to the living room to rest for a while...

I heard the door knocking so I got up and went to open it to see Ruski standing while having a smile on his face, I smiled back and all of the sudden he pick me up and then closing the door locking it before carrying me back to the couch.

Russia's pov:

I sat down on the couch and put martial my wife/husband on my lap  before cuddling him, he just giggled and takes out his phone scrolling if there's anything interesting.

*few hours later*

I am starting to get bored and yes...... Martial is still in my lap who was STILL scrolling on his FRICKING phone without giving me any attention!
Is the phone more important than me?

"Martial... " I mumbled and he just 'hum' in response, eyes still on the phone I'm starting to get annoyed

"Martial...put your damn phone down and look at me" I said

"Why? "He said

" martial....-

"Okay...!Okay...! " he said as he put his phone down on the coffee table and turns around to look at me

"What is i-KYAH!! " I tackled him down on the couch wrapping my arms around his waist and burying my face on his chest snuggling him

"Russia..? " he said my name in a low voice

"Just let me cuddle you" I mumbled he just giggled as he wrap his arm around me cuddling me back

We just stayed there cuddling and giving kisses to each other from time to time until....

It was lunch time

Well my beautiful jewels/readers that's all for today!
And like I said in the previous chapter you can comment who do you ship next with martial! And what kind of AU you want to go with it! That's all!

Don't forget to vote, follow and share this with a friend!

Author out!

Martial Law x Country human One-Shot's! Where stories live. Discover now