Martial law x Germany (🇸🇽x🇩🇪)

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Type of one-shot:(fluff...?)
AU:heartbroken??? (Idk)
Ship:Germany x Martial law

Note:there will be a little hint of rusame here....and.... I'm not good this kind of au so please bear with it....

Narrator's pov:
Martial was standing there, shock and heartbroken..... It felt like his world just shattered into pieces

(You already know why... )

Just a few feet away... There was Russia and America kissing each other.

Martial felt his eyes start to water as he kept watching the two making out

He was planning to confessed to Russia about his feelings but he guess it was to late....

he turns around and runs away before the two of them noticed him

As he ran, he accidentally bump into someone and that someone is..... Germany....Who was just about to walk home.

Germany's pov:
I look at who just bump into me but I see no one, I heard a groan and look down to see martial rubbing his head

I quickly kneel down to him looking if he has any bruises when he bump into me.

"Hey are you okay?!, are you hurt?! " I ask him

"N-No I'm fine.... " martial said as he look up

I noticed his eyes are a little red.... Was he crying...?

"Hey martial..... We're you crying..? " I ask him

He became silent for a moment but soon he opened his mouth but stop as he begun to cry again

I panic
'I shouldn't have ask that question'

I kneeled down and hug him, he was surprised but soon he hug back

I rubbed and circle his back trying to calm and comfort him and it work

I pull away and saw martial was asleep

'Gosh... All that crying must have tired him out'i thought and lift him off the ground and start to walk towards my house besides its Almost night.

*time skip*

I gently laid martial down on my bed and walk out to make something for him when he wakes up

No ones pov's:
Martial woke up and saw that he was in someone's room he also wondered how he got here

He got out and went down stairs to see Germany cooking

Germany turned around because he heard some movements and saw martial awake while watching him by the stairs

Germany smiled "hey martial glad to see you awake" he said

"Yeah..... " martial said looking down

"I made dinner so why don't come over here and eat? " Germany said as he set the food down

Martial went silent for a moment before he walks over and start to help Germany setting the table

After they ate martial was about to wash the dishes when Germany said that he should do it

Martial insist but Germany said it was okay so martial just sigh giving up

He look outside and start to walk towards the door

Germany saw martial move and grabs his wrist making martial yelp and turns to look at him

"where do you think your going? " Germany ask

Martial Law x Country human One-Shot's! Where stories live. Discover now