Martial Law x North Korea (🇸🇽x🇰🇵)

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Type of one-shot:(???)

Note:there is South Korea x philipippine in this so yeah.... Enjoy... And this is going to be long...

Narrator's pov:
It was just normal day in the house of the Korea brothers well.... Actually not  normal cause today is a very (idk) exciting day
They will be meeting up with South's boyfriend philipippine's in the park with his older brother and they both want them to meet each other or maybe get them to be together 😏~

South Korea's pov:
"come on big brother!" I said trying pulling my brother North out of bed

"No South! I don't want to! " he said gripping the sheets

"Oh! Come on! " I said as I let go of him


"Please big brother..? I promise you will not regret after we meet up with Phil and his older brother" I convinced him

"He's probably annoying like china"he said and I pout

" really North...? You haven't met him yet and you're saying his annoying? Besides his nothing like china! "I said

" oh really...? "He said and I nodded

" yes! And trust me! You definitely won't regret it after meeting up with him! "I said while giving him puppy eyes

" Ugh! Fine! "He said giving up

" yay! Then go take a shower!, we will leave after breakfast "I said as North 'hum'un response

No pov:
After North took a bath and they both ate breakfast, they went to the park and sat on the bench waiting for Phil and his brother to arrive

a few minutes later

North Korea's pov:
We were just still sitting on the bench until we heard a someone called our name

We turn around and it was just South's boyfriend who was waving his hand at us and was also pulling someone...?

"Hi Mahal!(love) " Phil said as he hug South and kiss him on the cheek

"Hello my love" south said as he peck Phil

Then Phil turn to look at me and smiled

"Hi kuya North! " Phil said cheerfully

"Hello Philippines"I said giving him a small smile and then I look behind his back and sees another country human who has the same flag as Phil but their flag is flip which means on the top is red and the bottom is blue

Phil seems to notice where I'm looking at and turn his head around and then smirks

"Are you looking at my brother kuya North~? " Phil whispered and then I flinch

"T-That's your brother..? " I ask him which he nodded

"Yes" he said as I look back at his brother who was looking at his phone but he noticed my gaze and put his phone in his pocket and walks toward's me

I can feel myself shaking and feeling nervous as he stops in front of me

I look at him and scans his face, and Damn...... He looks so beautiful, handsome and Hot.....

I can feel myself blushing but then I got startled by something on my forehead...?

I shook out of my thoughts and saw Phil's brother has his hand on my forehead....

"Hey are you okay...? " he ask as he lowers his hand

"Uh..... Y-yes! " I said and.... Did I just stutter..?

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