29. He's Trying To Be Normal...

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Faith let out a small sigh, sitting in the passenger seat of Devlin 69' Chervil. Looking in her rear view mirror, she smiled as she saw Sam and Brianna chatting, both smiling. With a small sigh, she looked over at her boyfriend, he peaked at her and squeeze her hand which he held between the two seats. "Babe, It's not that bad. We're just going to visit Dean. No big deal, right?" He let out a small chuckle, smiling lightly.

Shaking her head, she sighed, gazing out the window again. "Yeah... I guess. Just.... I don't know. I can't be the same around him! With outside people there, I can't talk about Hunting, or my powers, or anything cool like my visit to heaven...... I wish Jo would have told him........ You know......" She mumbled, glancing over at Devlin once more.

"Yeah. But he's got this new girl, plus, he and Cas almost actually got married. Luckily, they ran out before signing the papers. He doesn't have the best love life, so let him be." Devlin replied, looking dead at the road.

Letting out an exasperated sigh, the girl laid her head against the window, close her eyes to fall into a dreamless sleep.


"Wake up, hey, honey, wake up. We're here." A voice broke through the veil of sleep and dark as she opened her eyes, groaning.

"Fuck......" She muttered, getting up and out of the car, Sam and Bri soon following as she walked up to the front door and knocked.

A boy no older that ten opened the door and looked up at her. "Who are you?" He asked.

"Is Dean here?" She asked.

"Yes... Who are you?" The kid repeated his question.

"His daughter, now open the door and let me in."

She growled as the kid shut the door in her face, she could hear him yelling something and rolled her eyes, waiting for the door to open again. After a few moments, the door opened,reveling just the person she came to visit, the door opened all the away and he wrapped his arms around the girl, picking her up and stepping back a step to hug his little girl. He squeeze her tightly, kissing her head. Setting her down he grinned. "Hey baby girl." He greeted his daughter.

A woman with dark hair popped her head into the room then walked over. "Dean, who's this, who are they?" She asked.

"This is my daughter, Faith. That's her boyfriend Devlin, his brother Sam, and Faith's bestfriend Brianna. The daughter of a close friend of mine." He told her, grinning

"I'm an a-" she was cut off by Sam's hand, him giving her a look that said, "be quiet. She don't know." With that, Bri nodded, shutting up as Sam removed his hand.

"Now that you know who we are, who are you two?" Faith asked, raising an eyebrow at the woman, who's son was standing next to her now.

"I'm Lisa, Dean's girlfriend. This is Ben. My son." She stated, looking the girl up and down.

Faith pulled on the collar of her leather jacket, her outfit projecting herself as a mini, female Dean. She smirked lightly before turning to her dad. "I wanted to come visit my daddy!" She said in a childish tone, her blue eyes lighting up.

"Do you guys have a place to stay?" Lisa asked, making Faith turn towards her one more.

"We plan on get some rooms at the motel in town, why?" Faith asked, a confused and innocent look on her face.

"You four could stay here, I have a few extra rooms and I couldn't possible let you pay for three to four rooms at that motel." She said with a smile.

"Really? Thanks!" The brunette girl chimed, smiling happily.

"Yeah, just follow me, I'll show you to the rooms." Lisa told her.

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