3. Kill or Be Killed

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Faith, Dean, and Sam sat around the laptop, researching. They were getting information on this ghost. Apparently it was the ghost of a serial killer who brutally murdered young woman, around the age of Faith. It was Faith of thought of using herself as bait. Dean objected, not wanting to put the daughter he just found in danger. For some reason the teen reminded him of what his dad told him his mom was like when she herself was a teen. Spunky, courageous, and willing to put herself in danger when the time came. Dean patted the little brunette's head and smiled." As long as you promise to get away from the thing if you are in any serious danger, I'll let ya kiddo," Dean said.

"I promise!" Then small teen chirped.

" Alrighty then, let's get the supplies when need and head out, " Dean ordered.

Castiel and Brianna were nowhere to be seen. Faith assumed that Cas was reprimanding his daughter for randomly appearing like that. Sliding in trough the open back window of the impala like they do in Dukes of Hazard, Faith smiled, The strap on her bag was tightened as tight as she could have it with out it squishing anything. It was mid-summer in Maine, so it was very nice out, the teen deciding to wear light blue jean shorts, a black tank top, and her leather jacket, that was firmly tied around her waist. Her combat boots had been switched for light weight Vans that were purple and had black and white pentagrams all over them, having painted them on there herself. The wild brown hair of her's was tied up in a high ponytail. She looked out the window as they zoomed to the abandoned warehouse where the murders had happened and the murder had hung himself, where no one could find the body. "Are we there yet?" Faith asked, mincing a child's voice.

Sam let put a small chuckle, amused by his nieces immaturity. Dean rolled his eyes and smiled. " We'll be there in 5 minuets," Sam said.

Dean turned on the radio and Carry On Wayward Son came on. Faith began to sing along, impressing her father slightly.

Carry on my wayward son

There'll be peace when you are done

Lay your weary head to rest

Don't you cry no more


Once I rose above the noise and confusion

Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion

I was soaring ever higher, but I flew too high

Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man

Though my mind could think I still was a mad man

I hear the voices when I'm dreaming,

I can hear them say

Carry on my wayward son,

There'll be peace when you are done

Lay your weary head to rest

Don't you cry no more

Masquerading as a man with a reason

My charade is the event of the season

And if I claim to be a wise man,

Well, it surely means that I don't know

On a stormy sea of moving emotion

Tossed about, I'm like a ship on the ocean

I set a course for winds of fortune,

But I hear the voices say

Carry on my wayward son

There'll be peace when you are done

Lay your weary head to rest

Don't you cry no more no!

Carry on,

You will always remember

Carry on,

Nothing equals the splendor

Now your life's no longer empty

Surely heaven waits for you

Carry on my wayward son

There'll be peace when you are done

Lay your weary head to rest

Don't you cry,

Don't you cry no more,

No more!

Faith sang her heart out, the song ending when they pulled into the parking lot of the abandoned warehouse. "Wow kiddo, you have a damn good voice!" Dean said, sounding hyped up.

Faith blushed slightly looking off, not being used to being complimented about her singing voice." Thanks...." She mumbled, getting out of the impala.

" Alright, so we need to find the spirit, he should be in one of the underground rooms. Find a way to get downstairs and find it, you have your gasoline and matches right?" Sam asked.

"Yep. I also have my flashlight, my pentacle, my spell book, salt, salt rock filled, cut tipped, hand gun bullets, and my hand gun." Faith informed her uncle, taking her leather jacket from around her waist and putting it on.

The three walked into the warehouse and started to look, finding piles of bones here and there. Faith looked around the corner, seeing it was safe, she went to turn, only to be pushed forward and almost fall. She turned around, seeing the ghost. It's jaw was unhinged and his neck broken. It had blood shot eyes and an eerie white glow to it. It's eyes glowed an untamed and wild green. Faith fought screaming and backed up quickly, grabbing some salt. Throwing it forward, the ghost disappeared . With a sigh Faith pressed her hands against the wall behind her. She felt a door handle against her palm. Turning around she opened the door, walking down into the basement. She searched for the bone, knowing they would be hanging by a noose or under one. Faith knew she should have call over the other two winchester a but her curiosity and want to do it all on her own got the best of her." Hello?" Faith mumbled.

Suddenly Faith was throw against a wall, her ribcage crashing against a pipe attached to the wall, as she fell the old pipe fell with her. She coughed up a small amount of blood, and couldn't get up because of the pipe overtop her, it large in size. The ghost grinned its evil grin and walked over to the small teen, grabbing her throat and choking her. She gasped for air but couldn't grab the ghost or her bag that had flown off her when she went thought the air. Suddenly blast of white filled the hall and the ghost disappeared. When the flash had happened the Winchester boys had found the door and were quickly running down the stairs. Faith gasped for air, letting out a pained scream as she tried to get out from under the pipe. Her vision started to fade, the pipe having cut her with some sharp peices of metal sticking off. Brianna quickly rushed to her friends side as Cas, Dean, and Sam moved the pipe."My Faith!" Bri yelled, both anger and sadness evident in her voice.

After they got the pipe off, Dean picked up his daughter." I though I told you to get out of here if you were in danger!" Dean growled lowly, worried.

" It happened so fast......," Faith said.

" This job is kill or be killed." Was the last thing Faith heard before she slipped into deep abyss of darkness.


OMG that was intense! Will she live? Will she die? Read on to find out!

Love you all! Bai!


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