31. ~Just Be Friends?~ -4000 View Special-

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The brunette glared down the road, her hands tight on her steering wheel. Gabriel sat in her passenger seat, Sammy in his truck behind the two, Brianna with him. Devlin's car was behind Sam's truck. He was the reason why Gabriel was currently sticking around the Hybrid girl so much, but not the whole reason. Faith rolled her eyes as one of her Mixed CDs played on in the car, the tune of The Lost Get Found by Brit Nichole met her ears her humming along to the starting beat before mumble singing the lyrics. "Hello my friend..... I remember when you were, so alive, with your wide eyes. Then the light, that you had in your heart was stolen. No you say that It aint worth staying, you wanna run your your hesitating. I'm talking to me......" Gabe smiled at her, scrunching up his nose lightly to make a cute face as she looked over at him. Pushing his shoulder lightly, she shook her head and looked back at the road. Bobby had given her a car last year in July for a birthday gift. She loved the car but never had the chance to use it, so now was her chance. It was a nice, classic, '69 Ford Mustang. She had a love for old cars, like any hunter. The car was a dark purple, nothing to bright to stand out too much but her favorite color all the same. "Ugh..... I starving..." She grumbled, grabbing the two way radio and clicking the button before speaking, "Grim, Fuck Boy, Let's stop at the next station on the right side. I'm starving." She used the code name's that they assigned, only Devlin's was actually Reaper. A joke on their last name.

"Alright, next on on the right is about three miles away." Sam's voice came through, over her now quieted music. You could hear Bri's chatter in the background which made the girl smile.

"Alright Windabitch." Devlin growled over the radio, causing faith to clench the wheel so tight her knuckles turned white.

She was tempted to do a u-turn right there and smash her car into Devlin's beautiful '69 Chevelle, causing him to topple over the guard rail and to his death on the rocky sides of the river below. But sadly, Gabriel wouldn't let her because it would endanger her life and she wouldn't let herself because it would involve smashing her baby and Devlin's pretty car. She hadn't notice Gabe reaching for the CV radio until it was in his hands. "Dev, buddy, don't be a dick or I'll rip yours off and feed it to you. Okay? Okay!"

The line went Silent after that. As much as she wanted to, she couldn't bring herself to scold the archangel for saying such mean things. Instead she giggle, smiling over at the blonde with a look of fondness. "That was great!" She giggled out, pulling into the parking lot of the Gas station. "Want anything?" She asked him.

"Just get me what ever you get to drink and maybe some snack stuffs?" He gave her a childish look and she rolled her eyes.

"I'll be back." She said in the Terminator voice before running inside. Gabe waved good bye but glared at who followed her in.

Faith looked at the drink, pondering what to get. With a shrug she grabbed two larger Dr.Peppers and two monsters. She then grabbed some bags of chips, snack cakes and such, and three fruit pies, all apple. The turned to walk down the isle and was met with tired and angry eyes. "So what, are you and him a couple now?" He growled, his voice slightly horse as he stepped towards her.
Her glare was fierce but it didn't stop him getting close to her. "No. We aren't. He's my friend, thats all. Why do you want to know? Why is it important to you? You cheated on me!" She her tone was quiet but you could tell the fury she was holding back.

"Because he's not good for you and I don't want you two together. He's a fucking archangel, a dangerous dick head. Anyways, it was in the heat of the moment! We fought and she was easy...." He took a step closer to her, grabbing her chin to make her look him in the eyes. "Tell me that you honestly hold no feelings for me anymore and I'll let it go." He told her, looking into her blue eyes as she tough facade began to fall.

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