West Eastman High

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I continue walking to school clearing my head of what just happened as I approach the old school yard it's one of the ones with the big gates and spiked fence surrounding the school building as I stride calmly through the gates edging closer to the doors i am stopped by a grateful "Hey  Wait up"i stop right in my tracks and chucked my head over my shoulder to see Cole aggressively smiling at me I jump back a few steps saying "holy shit" in shock "um hi" I say a little startled as he looked at the ground I started walking inside then I feel a faint hand on my shoulder turning me around Cole was looking me dead in the eyes and said quietly "you know i am sorry for earlier right? I reply "yeh it's ok but next time your going to have a broken jaw" he looked a little shocked as we laughed it off and walked in to the office.

Again we where stopped and of course we were stopped by the bloody deputy saying "may you two please take a seat in my office please with a slight smile , I roll my eyes and calmly walk into her office with Cole behind me and we take our seats, she settles in her seat and looks us both dead in the eyes and says calmly "maddi your our top student so for the next week you will be showing and tutoring mr Santiago because he needs to catch up and before you ask that means you have to walk him to all his classes" she stops for a second looking into the computer and continues "oh well it looks like you too have both the same classes" she says cheerfully I look at Cole and mumble under my breath "well my day keeps on getting better and better" and obviously he had to have a reply honestly I wasn't expecting it he said "what was that princess " with a half smile on his face as I get up out of my seat and say "ok fine" and storm out of the room and the num nut followed me and said "so where we going princess" I  stop and say "well I have to go to cheer practice if I want to still be captain I need to go so I don't know about you and stop calling me princess would you" his reply was "haha princess so funny, you know the reason why I transfered here because i am the new captain of west Eastman high rugby team right"i didn't belive it so I said "thats a joke Jack Michels is the captain" his reply made my belly toss and turn he leans forward and whispered in my ear "he got kicked and replaced last Friday for coming to school high and trying to punch his teammates so yeah i am captain now" I look at him with a look of shock as I walk away I say "oh well it's not like we have to date or anything" bro he was so perfect my mind was saying I shouldn't of said that ,

I stride away in joy of what I just said smiling as I reach my locker but before I have the chance to open it i am turned around and pushed against the lockers not even a foot in front of me is Jack Michels breathing heavily against me as I notice both his hands are on my ass he starts pushing his face towards mine and smiling saying "come on baby girl u know you want me"I pull my head back and shout at him to stop his reply being "NO" i could tell he was drunk i could smell it in his breath  I keep trying to push him away but there was no use he was to strong so I close my eyes and keep trying to pull away, Suddenly i feel the weight disappear from on top of me Two seconds later I open my eyes to Cole pinning him up againt the lockers by his shirt on the other side of the hall yelling "She fucking said no dude don't you fucking listen" jack replys " your the new kid right why is she any of your business" Cole says " yeah iam the new kid alright I am the one who took your spot as captain and the thing is girls like her deserves someone better than your lonely ass" Jack stayed Silent for a minute  as he was thinking what to say ,Cole lowered him to the ground he replys with "your new here you don't even know her she's not worth your time she's just a slut waiting for your attention" I wasnt expecting what happend next cole looks at Jack and than me then the ground as he says curling his fist "take that back"he said as Jack said "make me " when Cole said "ok" and hit him 4 times in the nose I was shocked to see Jack holding his bleeding nose walking away but before he did he stopped infront of me and said "i am sorry Maddi" I was so filled with rage I brought my hand up and slaped him across the face that Hard I could see a instant hand print on his cheek  he says "I deserved that " as he strides away.

I walk up to Cole and grab his hand dragging him to the girls bathroom as the bell rings I told him to sit down on the bench I walk over to the sink and wet a paper towel as I walk back over to him he says "you don't have to do this you know" my reply was "shhhuuuu", he whinced as I slowly wiped the blood of his knuckles "shuuuuhhh" I say again, at this point I was sitting next to him with my legs crossed,my long brunette hair was draped over both sides of my face, I continue wiping his knuckles assessing the damage he slowly brings his hand up to my face tucking my hair back behind my ear I feel his gaze as I smile lightly and chuckle then I finally finish what I was doing and say "thank you" as I pick up my things and go to exit the room I only made it as far as the door and when I went to open it I was stopped in my tracks a hand over mine and i knew it was him just his touch made shivers go up my spine ,as he mutters in a Jerky tone "you have to walk me to class remember princess" I sigh and walk out of the bathroom. We aproch the class we had gym so cheer and rugby training mabye a game I don't know from there we go our separate ways and when I say I didn't like our new uniform I was meaning it when the girls walked out it looked like everyone was staring.
                                                Coles journal
She was just so beautiful when I first laid eyes on her so silent so perfect! When I first got to school I wanted to apologize to her so I waited and waited until her short figure emerged through the gate of that old it felt like forevr I was waiting there but I sprinted up behind her

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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