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Next day...
It was morning...
And tomorrow is y/n's marriage so everyone was planning but y/n was really sad after seeing Taehyung's behaviour toward her!
Mom: Sunhee listen my child me and your dad are old now pls take y/n with you and do her marriage shopping as you know yoongi is not here he already left for office. So can you please?
Sunhee: eomma don't say please I'm also y/n's noona it's my responsibility I will go with her...
Mom: thnku!
Y/n POV:
I was reading some magazines suddenly noona came....

Sunhee: good morning y/n! Come on less goo!Me: where?Sunhee: for your marriage shopping!Me: i don't wanna go!Sunhee: you have to y/n

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Sunhee: good morning y/n! Come on less goo!
Me: where?
Sunhee: for your marriage shopping!
Me: i don't wanna go!
Sunhee: you have to y/n... Less go na it's first time for me that I'm going for someone other marriage shopping please!!!
Me: okay fine give me 5mins I'm just coming!
Sunhee: I'm waiting go and get changed!

 Less go na it's first time for me that I'm going for someone other marriage shopping please!!!Me: okay fine give me 5mins I'm just coming!Sunhee: I'm waiting go and get changed!

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I just woree this!
Me: lets go noona!
Sunhee: okiee!
Me: byee mom dad!!
Mom dad: byee children's!
We got at HM shopping mall....

It has a very nice collection of everything! I was not in the mood of shopping but noona insist me so I agreed!Sunhee: y/n see that's wedding gown how is it?Me: hum

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It has a very nice collection of everything!
I was not in the mood of shopping but noona insist me so I agreed!
Sunhee: y/n see that's wedding gown how is it?
Me: hum... It's good!
Sunhee: what happen y/nieee you're not happy with this marriage but you love Taehyung na?
Me: it's fine noona, I'm very happy!
Sunhee: are you sure?
Me: yep!
Sunhee: okiee then I think this gown is so pretty so we will buy this for you!
Me: okie!
(A/n POV: I will show you everything at wedding!🤫)
Me and noona buy everything that we needed for the marriage!
And we got home!
At night
We all were eating dinner..
Yoongi: so y/n it's last time I'm asking are you happy with this marriage?
Me: y-yes oppa!
Yoongi: okay.. btw did you shopping for marriage? Actually I was busy at office so I don't come at that time...sorry!
Me: it's alright oppa and me and noona did shopping for my marriage!
Yoongi: oh-okay!
Yoongi: where are mom dad?
Sunhee: they are sleeping!
Yoongi: alright!
Me: I'm done... Gd night oppa, gd night noona!
Sunhee: gd night y/nieee!
Yoongi: sleep well!


[Sorry loviess this part is too short but I'm sure you'll like other parts!]

LOVING HIM UNCONDITIONALLY !~    ||A KTH FANFIC||✅Where stories live. Discover now