𝑷𝑨𝑹𝑻~17(𝑨𝒕 𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒆)

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Y/n woke up and went to do her daily routine. She was drying her hair and look at taehyung who is sleeping It's hard for her to believe that the man who is sleeping so cutely is the same man who became icy cold jerk when he wake up
Well that's her look

 She was drying her hair and look at taehyung who is sleeping It's hard for her to believe that the man who is sleeping so cutely is the same man who became icy cold jerk when he wake upWell that's her look

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She was confused should she wake him up ?? Or let him sleep. She saw time it's already 8:15 am. She decided to wake him up...
Y/n POV:
Me: taehyung wake up... I shake him up but no he didn't wake up
Me: taehyung wake up!!!

I was shaking him but taehyung grab my wrist and pull me making me hover above him!

I was shaking him but taehyung grab my wrist and pull me making me hover above him!

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Taehyung: why are you leaving me bby.... Uh know nah I love you so much my Minjii...

Me: t-taehyung leave me, I'm not your Minjii... I tried to wriggle but due to continuous movement, taehyung frown and open his eyes but as soon as he open his eyes, and see me he pushed me and I fall on the floor so harsly!
He move away and said.....
saying this he went in washroom.
While I get up and had tears in my eyes...
I came downstairs in the kitchen and started preparing breakfast....

I came downstairs in the kitchen and started preparing breakfast

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But suddenly my phone buzzed... There was Taehyung's mom...he also came downstairs....
Me: h-helo!? Eomma?
Mrs.kim: hello y/n how are you my child?
Me: I'm fine eomma how are you and appa?
Mrs.kim: we are also fine what are you doing this earlier?
Me: actually I was making breakfast for me and Taehyung as he is going to office!
Mrs.kim: give him phone....
I gave phone to him and put on speaker...
Taehyung: h-hello mom!
Mrs.Kim: taehyung it's your first day after marriage and you are going office?
Taehyung: mom i have an important meeting and also an interview for my new secretary!
He said while sitting on breakfast table Mr Kim: y/n why don't you join kim enterprises as taehyung secretary. Taehyung: dad there is no need,i want an experienced -
Mr Kim: she is,she worked with her oppa, didn't you y/n ??
I said...
Me: y-yes a-appa!
Mrs Kim: that's good, taehyung y/n will be your secretary.
Taehyung: but mom -
Mrs Kim: end of discussion
Mr Kim: yes y/n will get bored and also Mr. Min told me she like to work and she is very intelligent.
Mrs Kim : fine then y/n you are going from today.
Me: But eomma its been a long i worked with oppa,i don't think i will be able to -
Mrs Kim: but i belive you you will do it.

They both sigh in defeat .... As the elders are more stubborn than them!

...At Kim enterprises...
Taehyung park his car and enter in company...

Y/n was looking at him, she feel with people gaze that they all are afraid of him...
Where as in his oppa company she sees the respect and love in staff eyes for her oppa..
(Y/n in her mind :why are you comparing your oppa with him y/n ?? Hope i will do all work nicely)
Lee ju-yong (management director): good morning Mr Kim.

To which taehyung nodded carelessly But his attention get diverted to some male staff members...
??1: Who is beside Mr Kim ??
??2: She is so beautiful

??1: Not only beautiful cute n hot at same time.

Taehyung clinched his jaw and pull y/n closer by her waist.. making her shocked

Taehyung: Meet my wife Mrs Kim y/n.

He said while glaring at those male staff who were talking about y/n .. they also look down as they won't able to make eye contact with his rage full eyes...

Everybody started to greet y/n and congratulate them....
Taehyung: Enough go to your work.
Lee ju-yong: sir the candidates are here for interview, should i -
Taehyung: cancel it ..y/n will be my secretary from today onwards to which
Lee ju-yong bowed and left..
Taehyung leave her waist and said to her Taehyung: come in my cabin right now...
Y/n went behind him and enter the cabin
Taehyung: Don't you know how to knock ??
Y/n: i-i am sorry Taeh-
Taehyung: who the hell told you to say me Taehyung don't you know every employee in the office call their boss as sir-!? Huh?
(Y/n in mind: why he is angry on me i don't know why but there were tears in my eyes maybe bcz i don't like his tone)
Me: Sorry s-i-r ,I was just behind you that's why i didn't knocked
Taehyung: make sure next time you won't enter my personal space without my permission....
Me: o-okay!


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